Sister Milgitha estimates that she rescued between 300 and 500 people. Today, most of them visit her regularly to thank her. All burst into tears when they find out about the pictures that she took during the genocide. In these emotional intense moments, Sister Milgitha asks them, by way of prayer, to sing all together The Magnificat, a song the Tutsi crowd sang, the 21st of April 1994, before being exterminated. Nowadays, Sister Milgitha still lives in Rwanda; but she resigned from her missionary order. She left the convent and the health centre of Kaduha the 11th of September 2010, after having opposed the orders of her superior to leave Rwanda, refusing to be deracinated from the earth she considers as her second nation. A new congregation, the Soeurs Carmélites Thérésiennes from India, is now taking care of the convent and the health centre of Kaduha. Milgitha still continues to help the poor in Rwanda. She lives in Kinyinya, in the plot of the Deutsche Welle (DW), an international German radio. Despite her old age – 79 years-, she regularly visits the penniless families, for instance in the region of Bugesera, at the east of Rwanda. She’ll take care of the poor until her last breath thanks to the love of God. Several times, her name was proposed to the Rwandan authorities so that she can be rewarded for her work in favour of the poor. She even met, three times, President Paul Kagame, whom she admired a lot for his work and his love of the people. However, Milgitha doesn’t want to receive honours for her work in Rwanda: “I don’t want to be a big person. I don’t need to be rewarded. My medal of honour, my reward, is the heavens, the Good Lord. Everything I’ve done and continue to do in Rwanda is to give grace to God. That’s it1”. 1 Interview with Milgitha on the phone in February 2015