PhD researcher (RSCS)
I'm working on the Greek version of the Bible, The Septuagint. The translation technique of the Septuagint can be very tricky by its methodology. After all, are the translators of a religious text just mere individuals who pass on a sacred book from its source language to a target language ? I'm working with the “Content and Context Related Criteria” for the study of the translation technique of the Septuagint : a method devised by Profs. Hans Ausloos and Bénédicte Lemmelijn.
The proponents of this methodology try to engage with as many criteria as possible in order to study the so-called “technique” of the Septuagint translators. Under the direction of Prof. Hans Ausloos, my doctoral project focuses on the analysis of the rendering of Hebrew (a) hapax legomena, (b) Numeruswechsel, (c) parallelismus membrorum, and (d) word play in the Greek translation of Deut. 28:69–34:12. The aim of this endeavour is not a mere analysis of words though, but to study the context and/or rationale in which a text was produced. It goes, therefore, without saying that certain theological issues probably did influence in the translation of a Hebrew biblical text into Greek. Hence, this project also tries to decipher if certain theological tendencies played their part in the translation of the third section of the final book of the Pentateuch.
As a researcher at the RSCS Institute and a doctoral student at the Faculty of Theology (UCL), financed by the FSR of the UCL, it has been an enriching experience for me here. My research in this place of learning is providing me a perfect toolbox to achieve my target. I can say that there is no dearth of getting access to the required material for a proper research at this institute. Moreover, whether in seminars or in research meetings, there is an environment of warm and friendly correspondence between professors and students. In this wonderful atmosphere, and with continuous scholarly and friendly support of my promoter, hoping to give my best…
Antony Khokhar