At the heart of the RSCS Institute' project, a new book edited by P. Rodriguez et J. Famerée : eighteen theologians, philosophers and scientists from Belgium, France, and the USA bring their contributions to a common reflection on the genesis of concepts and the confrontation of rationalities between theology, philosophy and science.
The epistemological prestige of science challenges theologians and philosophers to give an account of their forms of reasoning. The universal character of scientific discourse contrasts with the multilayered language of meaning used in both theology and philosophy. However, does that mean that the language of those disciplines goes beyond the boundaries of reason? Can theologians and philosophers justify their reliance upon rational discourse? Indeed, the epistemological status and capacity of these disciplines to enter into dialogue with the language of science depends on the rationality of their discourse. To deal with these questions, one must examine the elaboration of concepts in theology, philosophy and science, and confront their respective rationalities. In this book,
The Genesis of Concepts and the Confrontation of Rationalities Theology, Philosophy, Science.
Conference Proceedings Louvain-la-Neuve, 7th-9th October 2015
Series: Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium
Year: 2018
ISBN: 978-90-429-3597-6
Pages: XIV-245 p.
Price: 78 EURO