Partenariats institutionnels


-> Maison du développement durable
-> European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD)
-> The Community of European Management Schools and International Companies (CEMS)
-> CSR Europe
-> The Global Responsible Leadership Initiative

Maison du développement durable : Ginkgo, the sustainable development house. Primarily a showcase for industry experts, it also attracts the general public. The friendly, informative house seeks to foster exchanges between professionals and citizens, through discussions and conferences, exhibitions, and entertainment for visitors, both young and old. Every project adopts an educational, scientific spirit. In concrete terms, it offers a devote site where interested parties can find vast documentation related to the environment, eco-consumption and construction, responsible actions, energy saving, and environmental advice on mobility and power. It benefits from the collaborations with sustainable development experts from UCL. For example, in collaboration with selected students and other organizations, it organizes a sustainable development day in Louvain-la-Neuve, featuring animations, sustainable fashion shows, debates, concerts, and conferences.

European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD): The European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD) is an international networking organization, based in Brussels, Belgium. With more than 650 member organizations from academia, business, public service and consultancy in 75 countries, EFMD provides a unique forum for information, research, networking and debate on innovation and best practice in management development.

The Community of European Management Schools and International Companies (CEMS):  The Louvain School of Management is a member of the Community of European Management Schools and International Companies (CEMS) that regularly collaborate to different humanitarian projects. For instance, the CEMS joined forces with the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) and international courrier TNT to support the 3rd Annual “Fight Hunger: Walk the World”. This global humanitarian initiative aims at raising awareness and funds to eradicate child hunger in the world by 2015.

CSR Europe: CSR Europe was created in March 1996 on the basis of the European Business Declaration against Social Exclusion, initiated by former President Jacques Delors and business leaders. CSR Europe has currently 70 large company members and 25 National Partner organisations that outreach towards over 2000 enterprises across Europe which engaged in a process of mainstreaming CSR in their management processes and functions. CSR Europe is a privileged interlocutor of the European institutions and is currently one of the leading organisations chosen by the European Commission in 2006 to coordinate the European Alliance for CSR.

Practically, the Alliance aims to help cast a light on innovative CSR practices and stimulate new ones, further ease private initiatives in the area of CSR, enable networking and the exchange of experiences and knowledge, support capacity building, and encourage the development of joint projects between companies and their stakeholders.

One of the main objectives of the Alliance is also to support the European Multistakeholder Forum on CSR and to encourage further integration of CSR in the curriculum of future managers. The European Commission, the Forum and the partners engaged in the Alliance believe it is essential that Business schools, universities and other education institutions play a more pro-active role in mainstreaming CSR into traditional courses, in the curricula of future managers and graduate students, in executive education, and in other educational institutions.

Since 2007, the cooperation between LSM and CSR Europe is being developed through the Belgacom Chair on CSR and the active participation of Jan Noterdaeme (co-founder of CSR Europe) in CSR courses offered at the LSM. Further cooperation between LSM and CSR Europe is being explored regarding a project that CSR Europe is working on in support to the European Alliance for CSR: “the Responsible Enterprise 2020”.

The Global Responsible Leadership Initiative - (GRLI): The GRLI is a unique global community of action and learning, consisting of companies, business schools and universities that work individually, in pairs, in clusters and collectively. The GRLI’s mission is to promote support and execute the development of a next generation of globally responsible leaders. The GRLI developed the concept of global responsibility as a new and evolving subject which goes well beyond traditional notions of corporate citizenship.

A unique characteristic of the GRLI is that it seeks to maintain a balance between businesses and business schools/learning institutions, usually ensuring that each business school that joins does so with a business partner.  In 2006 and 2007, the Louvain School of Management was associated to GSK Biologicals in order to unfold a strategic CSR agenda in this pharmaceutical company based on a complete auditing of GSK’s CSR practices. LSM also participates twice a year in the general Assembly. And in his book “Should Prometheus be bound?” Professor Emeritus Phillipe de Woot of the LSM explores the ideas that are emerging out of the GRLI.

GRLI manifesto