Erasmus & Other Exchanges

LSM Louvain-La-Neuve, Mons

The exchange programmes are open to all students enrolled in the Master's degree 120 ECTS (Master in Business Engineering / Master in Management). It consists of a stay of one semester in one of the partner universities.

The exchange is an academic experience that perfectly fits into the curriculum of the Louvain School of Management. The exchange is also an important life experience. Students improve the local language, discover the country and integrate cultural differences. Such an experience prepares the student to think globally in a cross-cultural environment.

In a few words :

  • a semester under the same conditions as native people (the 1st semester of year 2);
  • full academic recognition for the study carried abroad;
  • on-site exams in the local language and conversion of the notes into the LSM programme;
  • a tuition fee paid at UCL only and a grant to help offset the "mobility costs".

More information is available for the LSM student on the intranet.

Useful links :