Corporate Relations

LSM Louvain-La-Neuve, Mons

Corporate relations

The Louvain School of Management develops various types of collaborations with public and private organisations at international, national and local levels that allow both our students and faculty to benefit from the knowledge and the expertise of these players, and conversely provide them with access to the knowledge and the expertise of the School.

Together with its Corporate Partners, Student Associations and Alumni Associations, the Louvain School of Management helps the students to foster their professional development. To reach this goal, the School organises a large range of activities that aim to develop the professional skills and experience of our students and facilitate their integration into the international corporate world.


Corporate News

A2BM, new LSM Corporate Partner

Accelerate to be Master (A2BM) becomes, next September, LSM Corporate Partner. The Luxembourg company has expertise in the pragmatic implementation of operational organization systems, process...

LSM Job and Internship Fair 2018

The Louvain School of Management organize its traditional LSM Job & Internship Fair 2018 next 5th and 6th February 2018 at Salle Vaes from 4.00 to 8.00 pm. Thirty companies (fifteen each...

LSM job and internship fair 2017

Ces 11 et 12 octobre 2017 de 16h à 20h, la Louvain School of Management organise sa traditionnelle LSM job and Internship Fair. Durant deux jours, 30 entreprises (15 par jour) proposent aux...

Bain & Company, CEMS corporate partner

The Louvain School of Management  is proud to announce the arrival of Bain & Company, a consulting firm, in the prestigious list of CEMS corporate partners. This is the result of a...

ODOO, nouveau corporate partner de la LSM

La société ODOO, spécialisée dans le développement d'applications professionnelles pour la gestion d'entreprise, rejoint la liste des Corporate Partners de la LSM. Odoo est le logiciel de...

Collaboration entre BASF et le département marketing de...

Dès la rentrée académique 2017-2018, la collaboration entre l’entreprise BASF, leader mondial de la chimie, et le département marketing de la LSM à Mons reprend de plus belle, après une courte...

Cream Consulting, new LSM corporate partner

La Louvain School of Management est fière d’annoncer qu’elle étend une fois de plus la liste des entreprises avec lesquelles elle collabore. C’est au tour de la société Cream Consulting de...

La LSM entame une collaboration avec Ranstad Young Talents

Tous les jeudis, un conseiller de Ranstad Young Talents proposera des coaching individuels aux étudiants de la LSM pour les aider à trouver un job d’étudiant en lien avec leurs études et/ou à...

Evénements dédiés à l'entrepreneuriat

Susciter l'engouement pour l'entrepreneuriat auprès des étudiants de la LSM, tel était l'objectif des deux activités du 21 et 21 mars dernier. Le 21 mars 2017, une conférence intitulée "comment...

Company Presentation "Hilti, Pwc Belgium & Luxembourg"

On Monday 16 October, we had the chance to meet 2 companies with a lot to learn from. First HILTY, a construction technology and services company. Their specificity is direct sales and direct...