Admission Requirements
1) Entry requirements (conditions to be met à the time to apply)
A Bachelor's Degree in Economics and Management or a Management Engineer OR a Business Engineer (academic, long-term)
- Have passed at least 180 ECTS of the bachelor's program
- To be enrolled in the Annual Block 1 of a Master 120 at the LSM (Master in Management Sciences OR in Management Engineer)
- Other Bachelors :
- To hold a Bachelor's degree
- Have a Bachelor's degree of short type and have passed all the courses of the complementary module
- Be enrolled in a Master 120 at the LSM (Master in Management Science or Management Engineer)
- Have passed all the modules of the add-on module (prerequisite courses imposed on your program)
- Official certificate of English (whatever your destination), 1 of these 3 tests:
- IELTS (academic) 6.5
- TOEFL 89 (iBT)
- Cambridge CAE B/BEC Higher B.
For dates and place of these tests, please visit the links.
- Respect of administrative process and deadline
- Registration via the online form: October 30, 2016
- If you have completed your bachelor's degree outside of UCL, you must send your notes to 30 October 2016
- Filing completed with English certificate: December 23, 2016
2) Specials conditions for certain destinations:
- English: Some partner universities require a higher level of English, it is up to you to check the requested level.
- Other languages: To reach the destinations of the countries mentioned below, knowledge of an additional language is required:
Spain, South America (except Brazil): level B1 in Spanish
Germany, Austria: level B1 in German
Netherlands: level B1 in Dutch
Notes: Some partner universities require a higher level of Spanish, it is up to you to check the requested level.
Other conditions: Some partner universities have specific access conditions (professional experience, academic average, ...). It is your responsibility to inquire about these conditions.
3) Final conditions
- Successful completion of all courses of the EAP (Annual Student Program) and minimum 55 ECTS of Master level courses. Maximum one uncredited course will be tolerated.
- Students with 2 or more failures after the January session (and not covered by a medical certificate submitted prior to the examinations concerned) lose their access to the exchange program.
English than other language in a acquired B1 level Concerning
The minimum level B1 acquired must allow the student to understand his interlocutor and to express himself. We consider the effort made as a criterion of attribution and not the allocation of the destination as the starting point of the effort to be provided. No promise of apprenticeship will be accepted.
In order to prove this level B1 required, the LSM organizes free written tests (30 minutes) in early December for each of these languages. It is only with the success of this test (s) that you will be able to mention one of the countries mentioned above in your list of choices of destinations.
Inscriptions obligatoire via le formulaire sur la page suivante -->
Students who have left before you have completed stays reports concerning their exchange period and their host university. These forms provide a wealth of useful information about courses, the organization of the stay, the cost of living, etc.
We have also compiled a series of information about the partner universities of the LSM on Moodle (LSM- Exchanges Internationales). This space is at your disposal.
You will receive regularly emails containing some useful and important information, be careful not to miss a deadline or important instructions.
The guide "Study or teach abroad" presents information on the possibilities of studies, training, research and specialization in the partner countries of the Wallonia-Brussels Community.
September 2016 | Entry requirements |
To leOctober 30th 2016 | Required onrollment form + non-UCL bachelor bulletins |
1st Décember 2016 | Languages tests (specifics conditions to certain destinations) |
To December 23st 2016 | Application forma and English Certificate |
End January 2017 | Assigning destinations |
End June 2017 | Validation of minimum 55 ECTS of Master level courses |
July/October 2017 | Départure in exchange |
First step : Inscription OBLIGATOIRE via le formulaire en ligne
Pour exprimer votre intention de partir en échange, il est OBLIGATOIRE de remplir un formulaire en ligne, pour le 30 octobre 2016 au plus tard. Cette inscription nous permettra de constituer la liste des candidats potentiels aux échanges et leur classement en vue de l'attribution d'une destination.
Le dossier d'application pour un échange en 2017-2018 (incl. les étudiants sélectionnés au programme IB)
- Votre formulaire de candidature reprenant vos données personnelles (formulaire disponible en décembre)
- Votre certificat d'anglais: une copie de votre résultat à uniquement l'un des 3 tests suivants: TOEFL (570/230/89) ou IELTS 6.5 ou Cambridge CAE B/BEC Higher B.
- Un tableau Excel reprenant la liste des destinations choisies et classées par ordre de préférence
La liste définitive des destinations disponibles ainsi que le nombre de places pour chacune d'elles pour un échange en 2017-2018 seront communiqués ennovembre 2016. Néanmoins, nous vous conseillons de néanmoins déjà vous informer sur chacune des destinations que vous souhaitez mettre dans votre liste.
Attribution des destinations
L'attribution des places s'effectue selon la moyenne académique obtenue sur les 3 années réussies de bachelier.
On attribue à chacun (en commençant par le premier classé) son premier, deuxième, troisième,... choix en fonction du nombre de places disponibles.
Il est très important de faire un classement correspondant à vos attentes réelles et après vous être informés au mieux sur les destinations souhaitées.
Les résultats de l'attribution des destinations seront annoncés fin janvier.
Important : l'attribution reste provisoire jusqu'aux résultats de juin. Tous les étudiants partant en échange doivent avoir réussi, à la session de juin 2017, minimum 55 ECTS de cours LSM de niveau master.