
Error message

  • Notice : Trying to access array offset on value of type null dans ucl_theming_preprocess_ucl_tools_menu() (ligne 947 dans /var/www/portail/sites/all/modules/uclouvain/ucl_theming/ucl_theming.module).
  • Notice : Trying to access array offset on value of type null dans ucl_theming_preprocess_ucl_tools_menu() (ligne 995 dans /var/www/portail/sites/all/modules/uclouvain/ucl_theming/ucl_theming.module).

First Steps


To enrol in a French course,
you have to be enrolled in our University
(as a UCL student, a Researcher or a UCL Staff member) !


  1. Come to an information session about the French courses.
  2. Take our placement test (organized during the 1st week of each semester)
  3. Clarify your status (exchange student, free student, staff member)
  4. Choose a course for your level.
  5. Go to class and check availability with the teacher.
  6. Enroll for class. According to your status, download the corresponding enrolment form.
  7. Fill in the personal information form and give it to your teacher