
Bruxelles Woluwe, Louvain-La-Neuve


To enrol for the exams…

... I have to follow the instructions given by my faculty (enrolment by the Secretariat, or by myself, through my virtual Office "M'inscrire aux examens")

... EITHER I fill in the online enrolment application – during the enrolment period (27/03 - 19/04/2017)

... OR I enrol directly at the ILV secretariat, at Emilie Bayens’ office (A 134, 1st floor), during the enrolment period (27/03 - 19/04/2017)

Preliminary enrolment is necessary in order to obtain the certificate of achievement
(exclusively for "free" students)


To get my results…

... I check my virtual Office > My studies

... I check the notice board in the hall on the 1st floor of ILV.