Exchange Students

You are an incoming exchange student


Without extra charge, you are allowed to take the following courses :

  • French course·s ( LFRAN....) :

    • 10 credits/maximum of 30 credits per semester

    • 16 credits/maximum of 60 credits per academic year

  • Language courses included in your UCL academic program (Bachelor or Master) :

    • 6 credits/maximum of 30 credits per semester

    • 10 credits/maximum of 60 credits per academic year


  1. Have your Faculty complete the " Incoming exchange student form "
    ► see downloadable forms below...

  2. Return this form, completed and signed, to your ILV language instructor before ♦ 27 October 2017 (Q1) ♦ 26 February 2018 (Q2) ♦

  3. Complete and return the " Personal data form " to your ILV language instructor as soon as possible
    ► see downloadable forms below...

You may take a maximum of 3 courses per academic year
in German ~ Arabic ~ Chinese ~ French (as a foreign language) ~ Italian ~ Japanese ~ Portuguese ~ Russian ~ Turkish.

You may NOT take classes in English ~ Dutch ~ Spanish ~ Sign Language !


Follow the procedure for " Free Students "

primary enrollment fees ♦

230,00 €