Accommodation Office


Welcome on the campuses of University Catholique of Louvain !

You register in a complete study year or study program ?  OR  you are an Exchange student ?

The Accommodation Office is at your disposal to help you !

-a personalized file management, an on-line monitoring of your request, a priority welcome for the new students, term of contract adapted on the duration of your study

-informations, links, different ways to get an accommodation on the UCL campuses or surroundings.

Our University offers a wide range of student accommodation, with some 5,725 housings, on our several campuses : Bruxelles-Woluwé, Louvain-la-Neuve, Mons, Tournai, Bruxelles-Saint-Gilles :
° room in a shared flat
° studio
° flat

-several kinds of housing, furnished rooms, with an affordable rent for students, PhD students/researchers/searcher workers, living single or in couple, and families.
-disability adapted accommodation
-housing dedicated to students with a specific profile (high-level athletes combining elite sport and studies)
-theme houses for the students who want to participate in “clubs and societies” covering a wide variety of interests
-accommodation mixing students from different citizenships

How can you ask for an accommodation ?

Your accommodation request must be done on-line :

  • depending on the campus where you will study (See the menus on the left)
  • and depending on the kind of registration (Exchange student, International student registered for a complete study year / study program)



If your are a (visiting) professor :

Make an on-line request for an accommodation (short stay) on the right UCL  campus : see the menus on the left

  If any question, get in touch with (for Louvain-la-Neuve campus) or (for Bruxelles-Woluwé)

If your are a PhD student (or a visiting PhD student in a research project) :

  • If you register in a complete PhD study program or looking for a short-term accommodation, fill in the on-line request for an accommodation on the right UCL campus   : see the menus on the left

  If any question, get in touch with (for Louvain-la-Neuve campus) or (for Bruxelles-Woluwé)


If you are already a tenant :

a specific website is coming ...


Welcome Guide

You are an international or exchange student coming to study at UCL ? Have a look on our Welcome Guide You will find useful information to know : - before you arrive - when you arrive...