non-contractual picture
A Theme House, called in UCL, « kot-à-projet » : it's a specific housing, gathering students involved in a same project : cultural, environmental, health, "country theme" ; help service for other students (e.g. for students with disabilities)...but also theatre, movie, photography, cooking,...
Their name : Kot Erasmus, KAP Contes, Photokot, Kot Oxfam, Cafrikap, Rhétokot, Musikot, PédiaKot, etc.
It is recommended to get involved and live in a theme house as from the 2nd study year.
Renting with provision (percentage of charges) : 285 € to 330 € / month
Deposit : 150 €
In Louvain-la-Neuve
Tél + 32 (0)10 47 22 92 / 91
In Bruxelles Woluwe
Tél + 32 (0) 2 764 41 20/ 22