Two articles by members of the CRECIS are among the most read and dowloaded from highly ranked journals.



  • R. Shinnar, O. Giacomin and F. Janssen (2012), "Entrepreneurial perceptions and intentions: The role of gender and culture", Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice (ranked A and FT ranked), 36, 3, 465-494

    The article is within the top ten downloads from Wiley’s site from publication date to 2013, with 1,955 downloads. 



 Taylor and Francis

  • S. Bacq and F. Janssen (2011), "The multiple faces of social entrepreneurship: A review of definitional issues based on geographical and thematic criteria", Entrepreneurship and Regional Development (ranked B), 23, 5-6, 373-403.

    This is the most read article from Taylor and Francis’ site from publication date to 2014. 






Publié le 06 novembre 2014