After one week of worldwide blood donations CEMS has now announced the winners!
The CEMS Club who had more Cemsies donating was the CEMS Club Louvain-la-Neuve, which is the "BLOODY CHAMPION"!!
The Cemsie with the most popular photo while donating was taken by Maxime Jadoul.
CEMS International Blood Race
CEMS Club Lisbon and CEMS Club Belgium are happy to present you their new global challenge! The CEMS International Blood Race.
This blood donation contest will take place during the 3rd week of March (16th-20th) and every CEMS Student and Alumni is invited to participate!
What? A blood donation contest between participating CEMS Schools
When? 16th-20th March
Where? In all the CEMS schools
Why? To promote global citizenship, develop social awareness and above all : SAVE A LIFE!
Who? CEMSies and many more students from CEMS Schools!
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