CEMS Programme is focus on a strong collaboration and interaction with the schools (LSM is the only Belgian CEMS School) and CEMS Corporate Partners.
Business projects
On the top of their Master courses, CEMS students must achieve a Business project and develop skills throughout seminars of which a 2 days compulsory in “Responsible Global Leadership Seminar “ (RGL). Thanks to a devoted team of experts from and out of LSM and with the support of McKinsey the latest edition (4 and 5 February) was a success.
This Spring Term 2016, Business projects are organized with the following CEMS CP’s : Deloitte, McKinsey Solutions, Mastercard, GSK, Whirlpool, Engie and Kiehl’s (L’Oréal).
Skills seminars
Skills seminars about Negotiation, Assesment Centers Techniques, Sales Techniques and Personal Branding will be provided by L’Oréal, GSK, Whirlpool and Deloitte.
A CEMS Meet & Greet
On March 15, LSM will welcome in collaboration with CEMS Club the very first edition of the CEMS Meet & Greet where all CEMS stakholders : students, alumni, CEMS Corprate Partners, CEMS Head Office and LSM CEMS staff are getting together to strengthen the(ir) network.