Centre for English Corpus Linguistics

CECL news
May 11, 2018
PLIN day - 18 May!
Dear all,
We hope you can make it to our next #plindayucl on Friday 18th May!
For more information on the programme, please...
May 08, 2018
Amandine Dumont's public defense
Amandine Dumont will be defending her PhD dissertation on Tuesday 22 May at 2.30 p.m. in the Salle du Conseil.
The PhD is entitled: "Fluency and Disfluency. A Corpus Study of Nonnative and...
April 30, 2018
Sylviane Granger spreading the word...
Sylviane Granger spreading the word about learner corpora at the College English Center of Fudan University (Shanghai)!
With several lecturers from the Center and (on the right) Professor Ji...