NESSI (New Englishes Student Interviews) is a new corpus project of the CECL that aims to collect spoken data produced by young speakers of New Englishes (institutionalized second-language varieties of English). It will be built according to the same design criteria as LINDSEI, thus allowing for the comparison between Learner Englishes and New Englishes. It will be made up of informal interviews with university students, which will consist of three tasks: set topic, free discussion and picture description. The same transcription guidelines as those used in the LINDSEI project will be applied. Unlike most corpora of New Englishes, detailed information will be available about the (socio)linguistic profile of each speaker. The interviews will be video-recorded, which will provide access to additional communication modalities as compared to most New Englishes corpora, and hence will offer further possibilities of investigation.

International partners are encouraged to get in touch with us if they wish to participate in the NESSI corpus by collecting a subcorpus in their own national variety of English.


Project director:

Gaëtanelle Gilquin
Centre for English Corpus Linguistics
Collège Erasme
Place Blaise Pascal 1
1348 Louvain-la-Neuve