The Louvain School of Management is ranked top 50 Business Schools in the World and N°1 in Belgium by the Eduniversal Ranking

The Eduniversal Palmes are elaborated according to a complete and innovating methodology that takes into account all the aspects and influence of the Business Schools on 3 different levels.

Since May 2010, Eduniversal has been working on developing a new Ranking: The Best Masters & MBA Worldwide in 153 countries with the aim to highlight the expertise of the Best 1000 Business Schools worldwide and to open new and global perspectives for the mobility of students.

Eduniversal have investigated a total of 12,000 Master Programs in 1000 Academic Institutions from 153 countries and have concluded with a Ranking of a total of 4,000 Best Programs in 29 majors in all 9 geographical regions.

Three principle criteria are at the source of the Ranking – Best Masters & MBA Worldwide:

  • International Recognition
  • International Awareness
  • Suggestions from an International Scientific Committee

Press Release 2011 Eduniversal Ratings and Rankings

Publié le 16 novembre 2011