The Louvain School of Management was at the PIM 2017 Conference hosted by the The Coller School of Management, Tel Aviv University, last October.
About 100 people (deans, academics and senior faculty of leading business schools from all over the world) attended the conference. Louvain School of Management was represented by our Dean, Michel De Wolf and the Head of the International Office, Valentine de Callataÿ. They took part in workshops, keynotes speeches and focus groups. Our School is the only Belgian member of PIM, which includes 63 business schools.
PIM, Partnership in International Management, is a consortium of leading international business schools, founded in 1973. Each member institution represents the highest degree of excellence in the fields of business administration and management, demonstrates leadership in their geographic region and delivers an MBA or a graduate-equivalent degree in management.
PIM facilitates the development of international cooperation among members, fostering the development of joint programs, students and faculty exchange, joint research and cooperation among faculty members and researchers.