Marie-Thérèse Claes, Director of International Executive MBA at LSM and Emir Cetinel, CEMS alumni and employer branding advisor with Universum Communications, organised last April the first American Management Association Webcast. It’s the first partnership of CEMS network with the USA. 412 people registreted to the webcast, 175 attended it.
The Webinar was about “Managing Culture and Diversity in the Global Workplace”. Diversity can create complexity and negative tensions in the workplace. Yet these differences can also be an organization’s greatest strength. More than ever, individuals and organizations are operating in a world with increasing opportunities for cooperation as well as threats of conflict.
In the webcast, they explored some of these challenges and opportunities and illuminated how cultures that embrace diversity and inclusiveness can yield fiscal benefits having a direct impact on the bottom line.
About the Presenters
Marie-Therese Claes , Ph.D., is Director of the International Executive MBA at Louvain School of Management in Belgium. She is Professor of Cross-Cultural Management at Louvain School of Management (LSM, University of Louvain) and at AIT (Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok). In addition, she holds guest professorships at several other universities in Europe, Asia and the United States of America, and was Dean of the Faculty of Business at the Asian University Thailand. She is also a consultant and coach for relocation, diversity management and global leadership. She has worked as a consultant to various companies and is a former President of the Society for Intercultural Education, Training and Research (SIETAR Europa) and the European Women’s Management Development International Network (EWMD). She is also a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, a Fulbright and a Japan Foundation alumna.
Emir Cetinel is an Employer Branding Advisor with Universum Communications. As a Business Development Manager, Emir works closely with some of the most demanding global brands to create and implement employer branding initiatives as well as social media strategies. Prior to joining Universum, Emir worked as a Business Development Manager for Europe’s biggest startup incubator Rocket Internet in Munich. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Biochemical Engineering and a Master’s degree in International Management from the CEMS program. He has worked in Switzerland, Germany, India, Sweden, Turkey, and the United States and can speak four languages.