CSR Seminar research 2016: 23-24th June

Next level business approaches for Corporate Social Responsibility

CSRThe objective of this two-day “CSR research seminar” is to bring together doctoral students, young researchers and more advanced scholars to present and discuss their research projects and receive feedback. We will explore commonalities as well as differences in each others’ research approaches in an inspiring academic setting. This two-day research seminar will be composed of plenary, thematic, and workshop sessions. Furthermore, there will be sessions on research methodology and publication strategy. All sessions will involve fellow PhD students, emerging scholars and more experienced researchers.

The seminar is co-organized this year by ICHEC Brussels Management School (Belgium), Louvain CSR Network of the Louvain School of Management (UCL, Belgium), Audencia Nantes School of Management (France), and IESEG Center for Organizational Responsibility (ICOR) at IESEG School of Management (France).

-> Programme CSR Research Seminar 2016



Publié le 06 juin 2016