Archives for DEMO
07 juin 2017
Midi de la recherche
Solveig Cunnigham (Emory University), Migration and Chronic Disease: The role of place and people in Belgium
À 12h45, LECL 61
Migration entails major lifestyle changes, disruption of social connections, diminished social status, and the stress of navigating new languages,...
Cliquez pour en savoir plus 01 juin 2017
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Philippe Bocquier (DEMO/UCL), Souleymane Sanogo (Université de Ouagadougou I), Abdramane Soura (Université de Ouagadougou I), Moving Targets : migration and health in Ouagadougou. First results of a migrant follow-up mobile phone survey
À 12h45, LECL 61
The Moving Targets was the...
Cliquez pour en savoir plus 31 mai 2017
Midi de la recherche
Mathias Lerch (Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, Rostock), Urban and rural fertility transitions in the developing world
À 12h45, LECL 61
Although the role of urbanization in fertility decline remains debated, few studies have assessed long-term fertility trends...
Cliquez pour en savoir plus 17 mai 2017
Midi de la recherche
Jani Turunen (SUDA, University of Stockholm), Shared physical custody and children’s wellbeing in Sweden
À 12h45, LECL 61
Sweden has one of the highest parental union dissolution rates in the world but also the highest prevalence of shared physical custody...
Cliquez pour en savoir plus 09 mai 2017
Midi de la recherche
Noël Bonneuil (Ined-Ehess, Paris), Optimal Seasonality of Conception inferred from Marriage and Birth Time Series in Populations with no Contraception
À 12h45, LECL 62
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