01 juin 2017
Collège J. Leclercq
Philippe Bocquier (DEMO/UCL), Souleymane Sanogo (Université de Ouagadougou I), Abdramane Soura (Université de Ouagadougou I), Moving Targets : migration and health in Ouagadougou. First results of a migrant follow-up mobile phone survey
À 12h45, LECL 61
The Moving Targets was the first mobile phone survey done in Burkina Faso. This 2016 pilot survey examined the relationship between health and migration using Ouagadougou Health and Demographic Surveillance System longitudinal data as a sampling base. The first part of the presentation is on the sampling strategy to identify migrants and their non-migrant pairs, and on the methodology of the mobile phone survey. The second part is on the preliminary results on migration, health, and mortality. A specific cautionary point is made on statistical power and effect size calculation. The presentation concludes on future migration and health research in Ouagadougou.