Materials 2014
Health & safety - Food industry
Energy - Environment - Building construction
Manufacturing & processes
Electromagnetics, photonics & eletronics
Information and Communication Technology 2012
Communication Systems And Networks
Software Engineering, Programming Systems And Formal Methods
Information Systems And Databases
Electronic Circuits And Systems
Large Graphs And Networks
Signal And Image Processing
Cryptography And Information Security
Dynamical Systems, Control, Optimization
Human-Computer Interaction
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence And Natural Language Processing
Biomedical Engineering & Bioinformatics
Ict: Society And Law
Facilities (Centers And Plateforms)
Nanotechnologies 2011
Surfaces and thin films
Nanotoxicology, ethics and legal issues
Simulation and modelling techniques
Characterisation techniques
Advanced Energy Management Systems
Emergency suited external orthopedic fixator for intuitive and independent translational motions
IdiomSearch : automatic extraction of formulaic language and phrases