Research ethics

Obligations and research duties

UCL must be responsible for the integrity of its researchers and provide them with respectful, straightforward supervision conducive to their sound and well-rounded development. Thus it falls to the university to devise and make known relevant rules and establish procedures in case of negligence. UCL has its own regulations, which apply to the entire institution, including its seven sites and thus to every staff member conducting research, whatever his or her position. The Research Ethics Committee, an advisory body established by UCL’s Academic Council, monitors the application of these regulations.

Download the UCL Research Ethics Regulations

Perfectly ethical research

To further promote and ensure ethical university research practices, some UCL institutes and entities, including those conducting health and life science research on humans and, when paramount, animal experimentation, established their own ethics committees. Saint-Luc and CHU UCL Namur University Hospitals also have their own hospital-faculty ethics committee.