The Centre for English Corpus Linguistics made a significant contribution to the second edition of the Macmillan English Dictionary for Advanced Learners. The contribution consists of:
- 100 'Get it right' boxes at individual entries
- An extended writing section focusing on twelve rhetorical or organisational functions particularly prominent in academic writing (1) adding information, (2) comparing and contrasting: describing similarities and differences, (3) exemplification: introducing examples, (4) expressing cause and effect, (5) expressing personal opinions, (6) expressing possibility and certainty, (7) introducing a concession, (8) introducing topics and related ideas, (9) listing items, (10) reformulation: paraphrasing or clarifying, (11) reporting and quoting, and (12) summarising and drawing conclusions
- 6 detailed lexico-grammatical sections that focus on aspects of English grammar, spelling and punctuation that are still problematic at an advanced level.
The 'get it right' boxes and the sections are the result of in-depth corpus-based analyses of academic writing by both expert writers and learners from a wide range of mother tongue backgrounds.
For more information, see Granger and Rundell (2007) and Gilquin et al. (2007)