Marie-Aude Lefer
Marie-Aude Lefer
Granger, Sylviane ; Lefer, Marie-Aude. From general to learners' bilingual dictionaries: Towards a more effective fulfilment of advanced learners' phraseological needs. In: International Journal of Lexicography, Vol. Advance access, no.10.1093/ijl/ecw022, p. 1-17 (2 juin 2016). doi:10.1093/ijl/ecw022.
Lefer, Marie-Aude ; Grabar, Natalia. Super-creative and over-bureaucratic: A cross-genre corpus-based study on the use and translation of evaluative prefixation in TED talks and EU parliamentary debates. In: Across Languages and Cultures : a multidisciplinary journal for translation and interpreting studies, Vol. 16, no.2, p. ? (2015). doi:10.1556/084.2015.16.2.3.
Lefer, Marie-Aude ; Grabar, Natalia. Evaluative prefixes in translation: From automatic alignment to semantic categorization. In: Linguistic Issues in Language Technology, Vol. 11, no.6, p. 169-187 (2014).
Genre- and register-related discourse features in contrast. In: Languages in Contrast : international journal for contrastive linguistics, Vol. 14, no.1, p. 1-161 (2014). doi:10.1075/lic.14.1.
Lefer, Marie-Aude ; Vogeleer, Svetlana. Introduction. In: Languages in Contrast : international journal for contrastive linguistics, Vol. 14, no.1, p. 1-5 (2014). doi:10.1075/lic.14.1.01int.
Interference and normalization in genre-controlled multilingual corpora. In: Belgian Journal of Linguistics, Vol. 27, no./, p. v, 134 pp. (2013). doi:10.1075/bjl.27.
Lefer, Marie-Aude ; Vogeleer, Svetlana. Interference and normalization in genre-controlled multilingual corpora: Introduction. In: Belgian Journal of Linguistics, Vol. 27, no./, p. 1-21 (2013). doi:10.1075/bjl.27.01lef.
Delcour, Manon ; Lefer, Marie-Aude ; Maubille, Geneviève. Lexique et phraséologie dans les rapports de stage en traduction : étude de corpus. In: Le Langage et l'Homme, Vol. 48, no.2, p. 45-67 (2013).
Lefer, Marie-Aude ; Cartoni, Bruno. Word-formation in original and translated English: Source language influence on the use of un- and -less. In: Quaderns de Filologia. Estudis lingüístics, Vol. 18, no./, p. 49-59 (2013).
Lefer, Marie-Aude. Word-formation in translated language: The impact of language-pair specific features and genre variation. In: Across Languages and Cultures, Vol. 13, no.2, p. 145-172 (2012). doi:10.1556/Acr.13.2012.2.2.
Contrastive Word-Formation. In: Poznan Studies in Contemporary Linguistics, Vol. 47, no. 4, p. 645-927 (2011).
Lefer, Marie-Aude. Contrastive word-formation today: Retrospect and prospect. In: Poznan Studies in Contemporary Linguistics, Vol. 47, no. 4, p. 645-682 (2011). doi:10.2478/psicl-2011-0034.
Cartoni, Bruno. Negation and lexical morphology across languages: insights from a trilingual translation corpus, collab. Lefer, Marie-Aude. In: Poznan Studies in Contemporary Linguistics, Vol. 47, no. 4, p. 795-843 (2011). doi:10.2478/psicl-2011-0039.
Lefer, Marie-Aude ; Cartoni, Bruno. Prefixes in contrast: Towards a meaning-based contrastive methodology for lexical morphology. In: Languages in Contrast : international journal for contrastive linguistics, Vol. 11, no. 1, p. 86-104 (2011). doi:10.1075/lic.11.1.07lef.
Lefer, Marie-Aude. Review of: Richard Xiao (ed.), Using Corpora in Contrastive and Translation Studies. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2010. In: Languages in Contrast : international journal for contrastive linguistics, Vol. 11, no. 2, p. 274-279 (2011). doi:10.1075/lic.11.2.09lef.
Empirical Translation Studies: New methodological and theoretical traditions, éd. De Sutter, Gert ; Lefer, Marie-Aude ; DELAERE, Isabelle (Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs), Mouton De Gruyter, 2017. 978-3-11-045958-6.
Genre- and Register-related Discourse Features in Contrast, éd. Lefer, Marie-Aude ; Vogeleer, Svetlana (Benjamins Current Trends; 87), John Benjamins: Amsterdam, 2016. 9789027242754. 163 p.
De Sutter, Gert ; Lefer, Marie-Aude ; Delaere, Isabelle. Introduction. In: De Sutter G., Lefer M.-A. & Delaere I., Empirical Translation Studies: New methodological and theoretical traditions (Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs; 300), Mouton De Gruyter: Berlin, 2017, p. 1-8. 978-3-11-045958-6.
Lefer, Marie-Aude ; Vogeleer, Svetlana. Introduction. In: Marie-Aude Lefer & Svetlana Vogeleer, Genre- and Register-related Discourse Features in Contrast (Benjamins Current Trends; 87), John Bejamins: Amsterdam, 2016, p. 1-5. 9789027242754.
Granger, Sylviane ; Lefer, Marie-Aude. Enriching the phraseological coverage of bilingual dictionaries: the respective contribution of monolingual and bilingual corpus data. In: Karin Aijmer & Bengt Altenberg, Advances in corpus-based contrastive linguistics. Studies in honour of Stig Johansson, Benjamins: Amsterdam & Philadelphia, 2013, p. 157-176. 978-90-272-0359-5.
De Cock, Sylvie ; Gilquin, Gaëtanelle ; Granger, Sylviane ; Lefer, Marie-Aude ; Paquot, Magali ; Ricketts, Suzanne. Improve your writing skills. In: Rundell Michael, Macmillan English Dictionary for Advanced Learners (second edition), Macmillan Education: Oxford, 2007, IW1-IW50.
Granger, Sylviane ; Lefer, Marie-Aude. Bridging the gap between learner corpus research and translation studies: The Multilingual Student Translation corpus. 4th Learner Corpus Research Conference (Bolzano, du 05/10/2017 au 07/10/2017).
Gilquin, Gaëtanelle ; Lefer, Marie-Aude. Exploring word-formation in Learner Corpus Research: A case study on English negative affixes. 4th Learner Corpus Research Conference (Bolzano, du 05/10/2017 au 07/10/2017).
Ferraresi, Adriano ; Bernardini, Silvia ; Lefer, Marie-Aude ; Milicevic, Maja. Investigating the language of written translation and simultaneous interpretation: Simplification in EPTIC. Congrès Mondial de Traductologie (Université de Paris-Nanterre, du 10/04/2017 au 14/04/2017).
De Sutter, Gert ; Lefer, Marie-Aude. Empirical Translation Studies in the post-Baker era: A new research agenda. EST Congress (European Society for Translation Studies) (Aarhus University, du 15/09/2016 au 17/09/2016).
Gilquin, Gaëtanelle ; Lefer, Marie-Aude. Expressing negation through morphology in learner English: A corpus-based study of transfer. SLE 2016: 49th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea (University of Naples Federico II, du 31/08/2016 au 03/09/2016).
Bernardini, Silvia ; Ferraresi, Adriano ; Lefer, Marie-Aude ; Milicevic, Maja. Simplification in translation and interpreting: Using a tri-directional intermodal corpus to shed light on commonalities and differences. TransInt2016. Translation and Interpreting: convergence, contact, interaction (University of Trieste, du 26/05/2016 au 28/05/2016).
Lefer, Marie-Aude ; Bestgen, Yves ; Grabar, Natalia. Using n-grams to map registers across languages and uncover cross-linguistic contrasts: Insights from Correspondence Analysis. Linguists' Day 2016 (Linguistic Society of Belgium) (UCL, 13/05/2016).
Lefer, Marie-Aude ; Bestgen, Yves ; Grabar, Natalia. Vers une analyse des différences interlinguistiques entre les genres textuels : étude de cas basée sur les n-grammes et l'analyse factorielle des correspondences. TALN 2016 (Paris (France)). In: Actes JEP-TALN-RECITAL 2016, 2016, p. 555-563.
Grabar, Natalia ; Lefer, Marie-Aude. A corpus-based analysis of English and French lexical bundles across genres. Words, Words, Words - Lexis, Corpora and Contrastive Analysis workshop, ICAME36 conference (Trier University, du 27/05/2015 au 31/05/2015).
Grabar, Natalia ; Lefer, Marie-Aude. Building a lexical bundle resource for CAT and MT. MUMTTT workshop (Multi-word Units in Machine Translation and Translation Technology) (University of Málaga, du 01/07/2015 au 02/07/2015).
Lefer, Marie-Aude ; Grabar, Natalia. N-grams in multilingual corpora: extracting and analyzing lexical bundles in contrastive studies. Europhras2015 (University of Málaga, du 29/06/2015 au 01/07/2015).
Lefer, Marie-Aude. Translating multiword units: Towards a corpus-informed bilingual lexical bundle resource for CAT. Invited talk (Department of Translation Studies, Faculty of English, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań).
Lefer, Marie-Aude. Phraseology in translation: The case of lexical bundles in English and French. Invited talk (Department of Translation, Interpreting and Communication, Ghent University).
Lefer, Marie-Aude ; Grabar, Natalia. French evaluative prefixes in translation: From automatic alignment to semantic categorization. 'Theoretical and computational morphology: New trends and synergies' workshop, International Congress of Linguists (Université de Genève, du 21/07/2013 au 27/07/2013).
Lefer, Marie-Aude ; Dal, Georgette ; Grabar, Natalia. Genre variation in translation corpora: Evaluative prefixation in TED talks and parliamentary debates. International Contrastive Linguistics Conference 7 & Using Corpora in Contrastive and Translation Studies 3 (Ghent University, du 11/07/2013 au 13/07/2013).
Granger, Sylviane ; Verlinde, Serge ; Blanpain, Kristin ; Lefer, Marie-Aude ; Paquot, Magali ; Roberfroid, Laurence. The KUCL trilingual university terminology database: A dynamic web-based tool. eLexicography in the 21st century: thinking outside the paper (Tallinn, Estonia, du 17/10/2013 au 19/10/2013).
Cartoni, Bruno ; Namer, Fiammetta ; Lefer, Marie-Aude ; Lignon, Stéphanie. Empirical methods in contrastive lexical morphology. 7ièmes Journées suisses de Linguistique (Università della Svizzera italiana, Lugano).
Paquot, Magali ; Lefer, Marie-Aude. Fuzzy feedback in the compilation of the UCL-K.U.Leuven University Terminology Database . Symposium “Ihr Beitrag bitte! – Der Nutzerbeitrag im Wörterbuchprozess”, GAL-Kongress “Wörter – Wissen – Wörterbücher” (Erlangen, Germany, du 18/09/2012 au 21/09/2012).
Lefer, Marie-Aude. La préfixation française à travers les genres et les domaines : étude de corpus. 3e Congrès Mondial de Linguistique Française (Université de Lyon, du 04/07/2012 au 07/07/2012). In: SHS Web of Conferences, 2012. 978-2-7598-0783-3, p. 1325 - 1349.
Granger, Sylviane ; Lefer, Marie-Aude. Towards more and better phrasal entries in bilingual dictionaries. EURALEX 2012 Proceedings (Oslo, du 07/08/2012 au 11/08/2012).
Cartoni, Bruno ; Lefer, Marie-Aude. Affixes and their non-morphological equivalents: one of the missing links in electronic bilingual dictionaries. eLexicography conference (Bled, du 10/11/2011 au 12/11/2011).
Lefer, Marie-Aude ; Cartoni, Bruno. Corpus-based contrastive word-formation: English, French and Italian negative affixes in a trilingual translation corpus. Journée linguistique du Cercle Belge de Linguistique (Université d'Anvers, May 2011).
Granger, Sylviane ; Lefer, Marie-Aude. Enriching the phraseological coverage of bilingual dictionaries: the respective contribution of monolingual and bilingual corpus data. International Computer Archive of Modern and Medieval English (ICAME) 32 (Oslo University).
Lefer, Marie-Aude. Word-formation coverage in electronic bilingual dictionaries: Addressing the challenge with cross-linguistic corpora. International Workshop on Word-formation in electronic dictionaries (Institut für deutsche Sprache (Mannheim), May 2011).
Granger, Sylviane ; Lefer, Marie-Aude. 'Phrasing up' the bilingual dictionary: the case of 'encore'. BAAHE 2010 annual conference (Institut Libre Marie Haps (Bruxelles), December 2010).
Lefer, Marie-Aude. Contrastive word-formation: a state-of-the-art survey. European Society for the Study of English (ESSE) 10 (Torino, du 24/08/2010 au 28/08/2010).
Lefer, Marie-Aude. Genre and domain variation in corpus-based contrastive studies: the case of prefixation in English and French. Using Corpora in Contrastive and Translation Studies (Edge Hill, du 27/07/2010 au 29/07/2010).
Cartoni, Bruno ; Lefer, Marie-Aude. Improving the representation of word-formation in multilingual lexicographic tools: the MuLeXFoR database. XIV Euralex International Congress (Leeuwaarden, July 2010). In: Proceedings of the XIV Euralex International Congress, Fryske Academy: Leeuwaarden, 2010, p. 581-591.
Lefer, Marie-Aude. Morphological productivity and untranslatability: A corpus-based approach. Methodological Advances in Corpus-Based Translation Studies (Ghent, du 08/01/2010 au 09/01/2010).
Cartoni, Bruno ; Lefer, Marie-Aude. Negation and Lexical Morphology: a Corpus-based cross-linguistic Study. Sixièmes Journées de Linguistique Suisse (Université de Neuchâtel, December 2010).
Cartoni, Bruno ; Lefer, Marie-Aude. The MuLeXFoR Database: Representing Word-Formation Processes in a Multilingual Lexicographic Environment. International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (Valletta (Malta), du 19/05/2010 au 21/05/2010). In: Proceedings of the Seventh conference on International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC) (Resources and Evaluation, LREC 2010), European Language Resources Association (ELRA), 2010. 2-9517408-6-7, p. 840-843.
Lefer, Marie-Aude. Word-formation in English-French bilingual dictionaries: the contribution of bilingual corpora. XIV Euralex International Congress (Leeuwarden, du 06/07/20106 au 10/07/2010). In: Proceedings of the XIV Euralex International Congress, Fryske Academy: Leeuwarden, 2010, p. 810-823.
Lefer, Marie-Aude. English and French prefixes across registers: a corpus-based contrastive study. International Contrastive Linguistics Conference (Leuven, du 07/07/2008 au 09/07/2008).
Lefer, Marie-Aude. English prefixes in academic prose, fiction and press editorials: a corpus-based study. Journée d'études annuelle de l'Association Belge de Linguistique Appliquée (ABLA) (Louvain-la-Neuve, 11/04/2008).
Lefer, Marie-Aude. Morphology across registers: A corpus-based approach to English prefixation. International Morphology Meeting (Vienna, du 03/02/2008 au 06/02/2008).
Lefer, Marie-Aude ; Rawoens, Gudrun. Negative prefixes across languages: a corpus-based contrastive study of French, Dutch, English and Swedish. International Computer Archive of Modern and Medieval English (ICAME) 29 (Ascona, du 14/05/2008 au 18/05/2008).
Lefer, Marie-Aude. La morphologie dérivationnelle contrastive: l'impact du tertium comparationis. Séminaire du Forell (Poitiers, 10/02/2007).
Lefer, Marie-Aude ; Thewissen, Jennifer. Orthographic and morphological errors in learner writing. Automatic and manual annotation methods: a match made in heaven?. International Computer Archive of Modern and Medieval English (ICAME) 28 (Straford-upon-Avon, du 23/05/2007 au 27/05/2007).
Lefer, Marie-Aude. Exploring lexical morphology across languages : a corpus-based study of prefixation in English and French writing, prom. : Granger, Sylviane, 01/10/2009.
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