Abstract submission


Your abstract should be between 500 and 700 words (+ list of references) and must specify how the paper will contribute to the theme of the conference. It should also provide a clear outline of the aim of the paper including clearly articulated research question(s), some details about research approach and methods and (preliminary) results.

For purposes of easy editing, please make use of the MS Word template made available here . The template consists of two pages. The first page asks you to specify your affiliation details accompanied by a brief bio note (75 words). The second page is reserved for your anonymous abstract which will be sent to two reviewers.

Abstracts should be sent by e-mail to lcr2011@uclouvain.be, before 27 December 2010. Under subject, please write "lcr2011 abstract". Please name the attachment as follows: lcr2011_yourlastname_yourfirstname.doc.

Abstracts will be reviewed anonymously by the scientific committee. You will be notified of the outcome of the review process by the end of February 2011.