On March 18th, 2008, the Microsystems Chair was officially inaugurated.
For this occasion, the Chair joined its efforts with NanoWal (Wallonia Network for Nanotechnologies) to create an unique conference day entitled "MEMS and Nanotechnology through Science and Applications". We were pleased to host 6 international experts in the field of micro- and nano-technologies, more than 120 registered participants and about 20 posters and demonstrations.
On this page, you can find:
a Booklet of Abstracts
with the full day program, the keynote speaker abstracts and bio's, and the list of posters
"Inaugural session of the Microsystems Chair
" by Laurent Francis
a full PDF version of the following presentations (other presentations may be obtained by e-mailing directly the presenting author):
"From Microelectronics to Microsystems
" by Jean-Pierre Raskin, Université catholique de Louvain
"RF-MEMS: an enabling technology for reconfigurable radio front-ends
" by Harrie Tilmans, IMEC
"Surface Acoustic Devices for Wireless Passive Sensors
" by Sylvain Ballandras and Jean-Michel Friedt, CNRS FEMTO-ST
"RF MEMS at EADS: Concept, Designs, and Applications
" by Bernhard Schoenlinner, EADS Innovation Works
"MEMS Industry and Market Overview
" by Jérémie Bouchaud, WTC Wicht Technologie Consulting
"From Microelectronics to Microsystems
- a gallery of pictures taken during the inaugural session
All posters were in competition for a Best Poster Award with a 100 EUR money prize offered by the Microsystems Chair, posters were peer-reviewed during the day. The Award was granted to Pierre-Olivier Mouthuy, Sorin Melinte, Yves Geerts and Alain Jonas for their poster entitled "In-plane orientational control of discotic phthalocyanine columns".
For other information related to this conference, please contact Laurent Francis