Housing and formalities

Find a residence in Belgium 

Contact the UCLouvain accommodation office

Inforville (Tourism Ottignies Louvain-la-Neuve) : useful links from within the following page


Register at the municipality administration (commune)

You must, upon arrival in Belgium and within 8 days, register at the municipality of the place where you will be residing.  This is an absolute prerequisite to opening a bank account (which is also something you will need to do).


Register with a health insurance fund (mutuelle) (if you are a foreign student)

Health care insurance is a part of the Belgian Social Security system. To benefit, you must join a health insurance fund which will reimburse your medical costs. To take you on, they will need a written certification of employment signed by UCLouvain. Several funds have a secretariat in Louvain-la-Neuve : Mutualité chrétienne du Brabant wallon and Partenamut.