Computing science engineering

Welcome to the Computing Science and Engineering Department, committed to excellence in research and teaching.

The Computing Science and Engineering Department belongs to the Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, Electronics and Applied Mathematics (ICTEAM) undertakes its world-class multi-disciplinary.

The department is home to 9 Professors and more than 40 researchers and talented graduates, active and thrive in 7 research programs through the following research centres and groups. They work each days to develop technology to protect and enhance people’s lives.



The underestimated role of computer scientists in future...

 by Michael Saint-Guillain, PhD Student It is in the exciting context of space exploration that I spent two weeks during March’18 isolated in the Utah Desert (U.S.), as executive officer...

Mandats d'assistant·e·s

Le Recteur annonce la vacance de mandats d'assistant·e temporaire à partir de l'année académique 2018-2019. Toute personne désirant faire acte de candidature à l'un ou plusieurs de ces mandats...

Une semaine blanche pas comme les autres

La plateforme INGInious est de plus en plus utilisée pour les cours d'informatique à l'UCL. Elle facilite grandement l'apprentissage des étudiants en leur offrant des centaines d'exercices variées...