Discover some of ICTEAM's recent and most remarkable scientific achievements in several research areas
These achievements were presented to industrial partners at Louvain-la-Neuve on June 8, 2016 (see our "Scientific Highlights" event)
Radiation-hardening of off-the-shelf FPGA systems
Charlotte Frenkel, Jean-Didier Legat, David Bol
Ultra-low-power computing
David Bol, François Stas, Thomas Haine, Ludovic Moreau, Guerric de Streel, Charlotte Frenkel, Khoi Nguyen, Denis Flandre, Jean-Didier Legat
Ultra-low-power imaging
David Bol, Thomas Haine, François Stas, Denis Flandre
Ultra-low power management and voltage regulation
David Bol, Pierre-Antoine Haddad, Khoi Nguyen, Guerric de Streel, Denis Flandre
Ultra-low-power wireless communications
Guerric de Streel, Cecilia Gimeno, François Stas, Denis Flandre, David Bol
Wide frequency band assessment of advanced MOSFET architectures in a view of analog and RF applications
Valeriya Kilchytska, Sergej Makovejev, Babak Kazemi Esfeh, Jean-Pierre Raskin, Denis Flandre
Highly-sensitive CMOS capacitive biosensors towards detection of single bacterial cell in electrolyte solutions
Numa Couniot, Laurent Francis, Denis Flandre
SOI sensing platforms optimized for water vapour and light detection
Nicolas André, Guoli Li, Pierre Gérard, Laurent Francis, Denis Flandre
Thin-film solar cells based on chalcogenide (CIGS) and kesterite (CZTS) quaternary semiconducting compounds
Raja Kotipalli, Maria Zhukova, Denis Flandre
Adaptive Li-ion battery management systems
Ionel Avram, Alexandru Vlad, Georgiana Sandu, Sorin Melinte
Trap-rich substrate enabling the RF Silicon-on-Insulator integration in all smartphones
Jean-Pierre Raskin, Dimitri Lederer, César Roda Neve, Khaled Ben Ali, Babak Kazemi, Martin Rack
Lab on-chip for testing thin film materials: extraction of mechanical properties and coupled effects at the nanometer scale
Michaël Coulombier, Audrey Favache, Mohamed Hammad, Hosni Idrissi, Guerric Lemoine, Romain Tuyaerts, Ferran Urena, Astrid Van der Rest, Jean-Pierre Raskin, Thomas Pardoen
Antennas: numerical methods and systems
Maxime Drouget, Donia Oueslati, Khaldoun Alkhalifeh, Christopher Raucy, Simon Hubert, Denis Tihon, Sumit Karki, Quentin Gueuning, Ha Bui Van, Inés Adouani, Julien Lambert, Thomas Pairon, Husnain Ali Kayani, Modeste Bodehou, Christophe Craeye
Radio channel characterization and modeling for vehicular communications
Olivier Renaudin, Ruisi He, Claude Oestges
Radio channel dynamics for wireless body area networks
Evgeni Vinogradov, Claude Oestges
Modelling of tropospheric channel degradations on earth-space propagation
Danielle Vanhoenacker-Janvier, Alberto Graziani, Carlos Pereira
Simulation of tropospheric total attenuation based on numerical weather forecast simulations
Laurent Quibus, Carlos Pereira, Danielle Vanhoenacker-Janvier
Synthetized tropospheric total attenuation time series for satellite-to-aeronautical links from L to W band
Alberto Graziani, Carlos Pereira, Alessandro Vergani, Danielle Vanhoenacker-Janvier
Electromagnetic radar simulator for wind speed and wake vortices detection
Dmitry Kovalev, Matthieu Duponcheel, Philippe Billuart, Danielle Vanhoenacker-Janvier
Cell segmentation with random ferns and graph-cuts
Arnaud Browet, Christophe De Vleeschouwer, Laurent Jacques
Multipath TCP
Olivier Bonaventure, Sébastien Barré, Christoph Paasch, Gregory Detal, Fabien Duchêne, Benjamin Hesmans, Quentin De Coninck
Robust and scalable software defined networks
Olivier Bonaventure, Renaud Hartert, David Lebrun, Pierre Schaus, Olivier Tilmans, Stefano Vissicchio
BRB: better batch scheduling to reduce tail latencies in distributed data stores
Waleed Reda, Lalith Suresh, Marco Canini, Sean Braithwaite
ez-Segway: decentralize for faster consistent updates
Thanh Dang Nguyen, Marco Chiesa, Marco Canini
FBMC transceivers for 5G mobile communication systems
François Rottenberg, Jérôme Louveaux, François Horlin
Attack detection and mitigation for the Internet of Things
Lionel Metongnon, Ramin Sadre
Towards automatic configuration of big data processing systems
Muhammad Bilal, Marco Canini
Software features on demand
Kim Mens
Verification of railway interlocking systems
Quentin Cappart, Christophe Limbrée, Pierre Schaus
An empirical study of the global behavior of structured overlay networks as complex systems
Ruma Rani Paul, Peter Van Roy
A model-based approach for dynamically distributing graphical user interfaces
Jérémie Melchior, Jean Vanderdonckt, Peter Van Roy
Synchronisation-free programming for large-scale Internet applications
Christopher Meiklejohn, Peter Van Roy
Leakage-resilient authentication and encryption from symmetric cryptographic primitives
Olivier Pereira, François-Xavier Standaert, Srinivas Vivek
SIXPACK: Securing Internet eXchange Points Against Curious onlooKers
Marco Chiesa, Daniel Demmler, Marco Canini, Michael Schapira, Thomas Schneider
Identification of a molecular signature of cycling hypoxia for breast cancer prognosis: a large scale data analysis approach
Pierre Dupont, Samuel Branders
bandicoot: a toolbox for mobile phone metadata
Yves-Alexandre de Montjoye, Alex Pentland, Luc Rocher, Julien Hendrickx
Sport sciences through data sciences
Dimitri de Smet, Michel Verleysen, John A. Lee
Analysis and visualisation of high-dimensional data
John A. Lee, Michel Verleysen
Control of ice cream crystallization
Céline Casenave, Denis Dochain
Plant growth modelling
Denis Dochain, Heather MacLean
Metabolic modelling and control of wine-making
Céline Casenave, Robert David, Denis Dochain
Analysis and control of tubular reactors
Denis Dochain
Irreversible thermodynamics and process control
Denis Dochain
Adaptive extremum seeking control
Denis Dochain, Martin Guay
Optimization and control techniques for cyber-physical systems: a new paradigm
Matthew Philippe, Benoît Legat, Raphaël Jungers
Safety-critical control of hybrid systems with applications to power electronics
Nikolaos Athanasopoulos, Raphaël Jungers
Reputation systems
Cristobald de Kerchove, Paul Van Dooren
Download the full "ICTEAM Scientific Highlights 2016" brochure