Meet passionate ICTEAM researchers and get insights into the various and rich research activities conducted in our institute !
In our playlist :
- Prof. David Bol introduces the research conducted in his team on the design of ultra-low-voltage smart sensor SoCs to avoid trillion battery replacements in a massive IoT deployment.
- Prof. François-Xavier Standaert summarizes the results of his ERC starting grant on cryptographic algorithms and secure hardware. More details on: (December 2016)
- Dr. Adeline Decuyper presents a project on how to estimate food security indicators in Africa with mobile phone data. This research project was conducted in partnership between the ICTEAM, UN Global Pulse, Real Impact Analytics and the World Food Programme. (November 2016)
- Prof. Pierre Schaus introduces Constraint Programming and the OscaR platform developed in his research team that he used to solve challenging scheduling and traffic-engineering problems. (November 2016)
- Prof. Raphael Jungers gives a hint of challenges in tomorrow's engineering systems, called Cyber-Physical Systems, and emerging techniques to tackle them. (September 2016)
- Dr. Arnaud Browet gives an overview of his PhD thesis « Algorithms for community and role detection in networks » which was conducted in ICTEAM under the supervision of Paul Van Dooren and Pierre-Antoine Absil. (October 2015)