MUST kickoff meeting


The MUST kickoff meeting was held at UCL (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium) in December 2016 and was attended by 38 participants from 24 institutions. On this occasion, two workshops were organized. The first was devoted to corpus design and metadata and the second to translation-oriented annotation. The full programme can be found below.


Friday 2 December 2016

9 am: Registration

9.30-9.40 am: Opening of the workshop

9.40-10.40 am: Presentation of the MUST project (S. GRANGER & M.-A. LEFER)

11-11.30 am: Brief introductions by the participants

11.30 am-12.50 pm: Participants’ presentations

  • MISTiC – Multiple Italian Student Translation Corpus, S. CASTAGNOLI
  • KOPTE – Korpus-Projekt zur Translations-Evaluation, A. WURM
  • Analysing Translation Learner Corpora, N. KÜBLER, A. MESTIVIER & M. PECMAN
  • Challenges in annotating learner translation data: A case study of the Hypal tool, J. KOVALEVSKAITĖ, J. VAIČENONIENĖ & A. UTKA

2-3 pm: Participants’ presentations

  • A corpus-based study of college students’ translation performance: The construction and initial findings of the HK-CL(CE/EC)TC, J. PAN
  • “This year I decided to turn you into a corpus”: Individual and group feedback for trainee translators, G. PHILIP
  • Dimensions of Variation in Translation: the Case of Experience, E. LAPSHINOVA-KOLTUNSKI

3-3.30 pm: Introduction to the first workshop session (corpus design & standardized metadata)

4-6.30 pm: First workshop session (corpus design & standardized metadata)


Saturday 3 December 2016

9-10.30 am: Introduction to second workshop session and first part of the workshop (corpus markup and annotation)

11-12 am: Second workshop session continued

12-12.45 pm: General discussion (MUST agreement; access and search interface; funding)

12.45-1 pm: Closing session