International student (=registered for a complete study year or complete degree)


You are an international citizen and registered for a complete study year or a complete study program ?  (in other words : you are NOT an Exchange student)

1. You must have introduced your admission file to the Admission/Registration Office of UCL

2. If you are admitted, you receive a document from UCL :  "Autorisation d'inscription" (authorization for enrolment).

3. Send  this "autorisation d'inscription" to the Accomodation Office by e-mail (click here for the e-mail adress)

4. Fill in the "on-line form for an accommodation request" 

4. You will be contacted to pursue the follow-up of your accommodation request


Before fill in the form :

Read the informations about the kinds of accommodation allowed to you and depending on your registration

in bachelor program : room in a shared flat

in master program :

° room in a shared flat
° room in a theme house
° studio
° flat