On-line accommodation request


The form for an accommodation request will be on-line as from March 5th, 2018

Before the assessment of your accommodation request, we kindly ask you to :

a) read the informations about the kinds of accommodations allowed to you (see menu "international student")

b) fill in the on-line form for an accommodation request (see hereunder)

c) send us  by e-mail, your forthcoming  "autorisation d'inscription" (authorization for enrolment at UCL) to inforlogementbxl@uclouvain.be

Then, we will contact you by e-mail or by post


 If you receive an e-mail or letter confirming your reservation : 

Before arriving in Bruxelles-Woluwé :

Bring the information of your international account number (IBAN or non IBAN number, BIC or SWIFT code, name & adress of your bank, other codes useful for payments in Belgium)

Click here for the on-line accommodation request (as from March 5th)