The International Corpus of Learner English contains argumentative essays written by higher intermediate to advanced learners of English from several mother tongue backgrounds (Bulgarian, Chinese, Czech, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Tswana, Turkish). The corpus is the result of collaboration with a wide range of partner universities internationally. The first version was published on CD-ROM in 2002, and an expanded version, ICLEv2, featuring a built-in concordancer was published in 2009. The corpus is highly homogeneous as all partners have adopted the same corpus collection guidelines. We are currently working towards version 3 of the corpus.

Project director:

Prof. Sylviane Granger
Centre for English Corpus Linguistics
Collège Erasme
Place Blaise Pascal 1
1348 Louvain-la-Neuve

The Louvain ICLE team:

Maïté Dupont
Prof. Fanny Meunier
Dr. Magali Paquot