Louvain CSR Network

LSM Louvain-La-Neuve, Mons


In 2012, the UCL signed the "Statement of the Higher education for the sustainable development of RIO+20" and made a commitment to:

  • teach the concepts of sustainable development;
  • encourage the research on the subject;
  • making the university sites responsible in greening (reduce the environmental footprint, ensure the sustainability criteria for purchases, find solutions of sustainable mobility, reduce its waste and manage the recycling);
  • support the efforts of sustainable development with the neighboring entities;
  • share the results of these initiatives.

Since then, an ambitious strategy regarding the sustainable development and corporate social responsibility was born. It concerns three missions of the University: the education, the research and the service to the society (for more details - > www.uclouvain.be/developpement-durable.html).

To be at the forefront of this strategic evolution of the UCL, the Louvain School of Management, via its Louvain CSR network, has for ambition to support the young women and men as well as practitioners willing to place the responsible leadership and the sustainable production and consumption at the heart of their vision, their learnings and their attitudes.