General description of the award

LSM Louvain-La-Neuve, Mons


The inter-university “Philippe de Woot Award”, an initiative of the Université catholique de Louvain (UCL), aims to promote sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility by awarding, every two years, one prize to one or several Master thesis(es) which constitute(s) an original contribution to the understanding and thinking about Corporate Social Responsibility. The award is for any student graduated from a University or Business School at Master level and whose Master thesis is about corporate social responsibility or the contribution of companies/organizations to sustainable development.


The question of corporate role, governance and responsibility in the environmental and social domains is inside all spirits. The impact of companies on society has reached unprecedented levels resulting from the size of enterprises, their international presence and market globalization. Rarely, we have known a period of crisis so critical where the International Institutions, States, civil society, investors and the academic world wonder about the credibility and the efficiency of the economic and financial markets, today in full turnover.

Throughout his career lasting 40 years, Professor Philippe de Woot always encouraged students, enterprises, economic actors as well as international and national public bodies to adhere to the ethics of what is now called CSR. He was a precursor of the groundswell embodied today in the commitment to CSR of the best enterprises and management schools.

The prize

The award-winner will receive a prize of € 3,000. €1,500 will be directly given to the student and the remaining €1,500 will be offered to an environmental or a social project to be chosen by the student. In addition, communication in the media and international networks will be ensured.

Rules and procedures

Download the rules and procedures  to apply for the Philippe de Woot award 2018.

Call for candidature

The fifth edition of the Philippe de Woot Award ceremony will take place in March 2018 at the Université catholique de Louvain.

Dowload the call for candidature.

Previous editions

The first Philippe de Woot Award was awarded in 2010 (see details about the first Philippe de Woot Award ceremony).

The second Philippe de Woot Award was awarded in 2012 (see details about the second Philippe de Woot Award ceremony).

The third Philippe de Woot Award was awarded in 2014 (see details about the third Philippe de Woot Award ceremony).

The fourth Philippe de Woot Award was awarded in 2016 (see details about the fourth Philippe de Woot Award ceremony).

The fifth edition of the Philippe de Woot Award ceremony will take place in March 2018 at the Université catholique de Louvain.


Valérie Swaen
Co-ordinator of the « Philippe de Woot Award »
Louvain School of Management
1 Place des doyens
1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
Tel. + 32 10 47 91 56


Academic partners

academics partners

Corporate partners 

corporate partners

In partnership with:
La Libre


The contributors list is available here.

For more information about the fundraising, please contact:
Fondation Louvain
Tel. : 010 47 31 26