Philippe de Woot de Trixhe was Doctor in Law and Economics and Professor Emeritus at the Université catholique de Louvain. His research and teaching fields were strategic management, change in a turbulent environment, ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility. He was the author of several major works among which “Pour une doctrine de l’entreprise” (1968), “Should Prometheus Be Bound?” (2005 ; 2009), « Rethinking the Enterprise : Competitiveness, Technology and Society » (2014), « Responsible innovation » (2016) and « Maîtriser le progrès économique et technique » (2016).
He served on the board of directors and advisory committees of several national and international corporations. He received in 2002 the Prix Economique de l’Institut de France (Prix Zerilli Marimo) rewarding the works that highlight the role of the market economy in the progress of society and the future of man. He was a member of l’Académie Royale de Belgique and correspondent of l’Institut de France.
He was the co-founder of the Louvain CSR Network and an active member of the Global Responsible Leadership Initiative (GRLI).
Detailed CV of Professor Philippe de Woot.
- Hommage to Philippe de woot by the GRLI partners and Associates
- Hommage to Philippe de woot by the Louvain School of Management (UCL) - (pp. 25-31)