List of external contributors

LSM Louvain-La-Neuve, Mons

> 2014-2015
> 2013-2014
> 2012-2013
> 2011-2012
> 2010-2011
> 2009-2010
> 2008-2009
> 2007-2008


Philippe de Woot (Emeritus professor, UCL), 10/02/2015
Pierre-Yves Maniquet (Alpha Resource Network), 02/02/2015
Odile Ledesert (Human resource director, Nestlé Belgium), 31/03/2015
Stéphanie Fellen (Founder,, 02/04/2015
Laurent Ledoux (SPF Mobilité et Transports), 28/04/2015
Pascal Léglise (Quality and Sustainable Development (CSR) Director and Private Label Director, Carrefour Belgium), 05/05/2015
Jacques Spelkens (GDF Suez), November 18
Damien Dallemagne (Innergic), November 25
Bruno Roche (Mars), December 9


Jérôme Meessen (Climact), 8/10/2013
Christel Ergo, Pierre Pirard and Philippe Mauchard (Teach for Belgium), 15/10/2013
Frédéric Ghys (Bioforum), 22/10/2013
Pierre-Yves Maniquet (Alpha Resource Network), 29/10/2013
Jan Noterdaeme (CSR Europe), 29/10/2013
Damien Dallemagne (Innergic), 19/11/2013 and 29/04/2014
Katerina Nicolopoulou (University of Strathclyde), 10/12/2013
Marc Flammang (Banque Degroof), 11/03/2014
Gaëlle Janssens (FostPlus), 6/5/2014


Marion Birnstill - CSR Project Manager EMEA, Johnson & Johnson
Sonia Bonus - Corporate Partnerships Manager, WWF
Chantal Cabuy - Head of Human Resources & Internal Communication, Cofinimmo
Stéphanie Cols - Recruitment Manager, L'Oréal
Frédérick Damilot - Director HR Business Development & Performance, STIB
Serge De Backer - Cap' Conseil
Isaline Desclée - Goods to Give (G2G)
Laurent Dorigny - Directeur commercial Benelux, Michelin
Marie Gauthier - CSR officer, PwC
Arjanne Hoogstad - Senior Manager, Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability, Coca-cola Enterprise Benelux
Dominique Laurent - Head of of Department Infrastructure, PwC
Laurent Ledoux - Philosophie & Management asbl
Jacques Spelkens - Coordinateur RSE pour la Belgique, GDF Suez
Giorgio Tesolin - Louvain School of Management, UCL
Claire Van Bergen - Director Corporate Responsibility, Deloitte
Ann Vandenhende - CSR Manager, Spadel
Katrien Verbeke - Communication manager, Delhaize


Mikael Petitjean (UCL, Mons campus) : « L’éthique en finance à l’épreuve de la crise »
Benoit Van Grieken (Randstad) : « La diversité, moteur de la RSE »
Katrien Barrat (C-Change) : « Implications de la RSE pour le marketing? »
Mikael Glorieux et Jean-Marc Gollier: « La RSE à l'orée du droit (de l'entreprise) »
Katrien Barrat (C-Change) : « CSR and Human Resource Management »
Aurélie Gerth (External Affairs and Media Relations Manager Belgium, Unilever Benelux Brussels) : « Unilever Sustainable Living Plan »


Yves de Cordt - Professor, Law Faculty (UCL)
Michel de Kemmeter - Founder of UniverseCity
Sophie Gilbert - Category Management Trainee, Unilever
Philippe Lambrechts - Secretary General of the Federation of Enterprises in Belgium (FEB)
Pascale Nicolas - Category Manager, Unilever
Marie Somers - Junior Brand Manager Lipton Tea, Unilever
Jacques Spelkens - CSR coordinator for Belgium, GDFSuez
Loïc van Cutsem - Head of CSR Team, Belgacom



Sabine Denis - Director, Business & Society Belgium
Brigitte Hudlot - Director, ICHEC-Entreprises
Catherine Kinet - BNP Paribas Fortis
Philippe Lambrechts - Secretary General of the Federation of Enterprises in Belgium (FEB)
Pierre-Yves Maniquet - Owner at Alpha Resources Network
Loïc van Cutsem - Head of CSR Team, Belgacom



Jean-Marc Gollier - Avocat Eubelius
Vincent Commenne - Activiste et chercheur - ex-responable francophone de Triodos
Lieve Schreurs - Responsable Marketing & Communication Triodos Bank
Daniel Sorrosal - Directeur PlanetFinance
Elena Bonfiglioli - Directrice CSR Microsoft EMEA
Charles-Hubert Born - Avocat Haumont, Scholasse & Partners - UCL
Loïc van Cutsem - CSR Manager Belgacom
Sonia Bonus - Corporate Partnerships Manager WWF - WWF for Nature Belgium
Pierre Coers - Corporate Management for HS&E Solvay
Axel Gosseries - Professor UCL Chaire Hoover and member of the Scientific Commitee on responsible Finance of CAAM
Herwig Peeters - Director Forum Ethibel
Céline Louche - Professor in CSR Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School
Carien Duisterwinkel - Coordinator Membership CSR Europe
Catherine Janssen - Teaching and Research assistant, CCMS, Louvain-la-Neuve Campus, LSM, UCL
Ann Vandenhende - Senior Director Products and Services CSR Europe
Jean-Luc Van Kerckhoven - Head of CSR Team Belgacom Group
Wouter Vermeulen - Communication Director Coca-Cola Luxembourg
Carole Crabbé - Clean Clothes Campaign coordinator
Jean-Marc Caudron - Clean Clothes Campaign
Manal El Abboubi - Researcher, Louvain-la-Neuve campus, LSM, UCL
Philippe Dembour - CSR Director, ING
Virginie Delwart - Manager for CSR, Europe and Middle East, Johnson & Johnson
Filip Dorssemont - Associate Professor, Law faculty, UCL
Surya Tjandra - Trade Union Rights Center Director (Indonesia)
Philippe de Woot - Emeritus professor (LSM)
Birgit Kleymann - IESEG School of Management
Pierre Semal - CEO of the Louvain School of Management
Luc Willame - President of the Louvain Foundation
Didier Bellens - CEO, Belgacom
Jacques Spelkens - Coordinateur RSE pour la Belgique, GDFSuez
Simon Pickard - Director of the European Academy of Business in Society


Le Vicomte Etienne Davignon - Ministre d’Etat, Vice Président Suez Tractebel, Président CSR Europe
Didier De Callataÿ - Président de la Louvain School of Management (LSM)
Philippe de Woot - Emeritus professor (LSM)
Philippe Lambrechts - Secretary General of the Federation of Enterprises in Belgium (FEB)
Céline Louche  - Professor in CSR Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School
Pierre-Yves Maniquet - Owner at Alpha Resources Network
David Westbrook - Floyd H. & Hilda L. Hurst Faculty Scholar & Professor
Claire Boasson - Sustainability Project manager at Caisse des Dépôts
François Fatoux - Délégué général de l’Observatoire sur la Responsabilité Sociale des Entreprises (ORSE)
Henri-Claude de Bettignies - Aviva Emeritus Chaired Professor of Leadership and Responsibility INSEAD
François Maon - FSR Researcher, CCMS , Louvain-la-Neuve Campus, LSM, UCL