13 octobre 2017
12:00 pm
Shannon Room Maxwell Building a. 105
In this presentation, I will give a quick overview of my research interests and
past realization, and provide the example of recent work on callable and
replicated shared objects over a NoSQL datastore (CRESON for short). When
writing applications for Cloud environments, being able to share and persist
objects via a database simplifies scalable, elastic and fault-tolerant
application design. Storing objects generally involves a mapping phase between
their in-memory and stored representation, e.g. using Hibernate for a relational
database, Hibernate OGM or Objectify for a NoSQL database. For shared objects,
repeated serializations and local method evaluation incur significant costs and
prevent efficient shared accesses and chained calls. CRESON offers callable
objects over NoSQL, where methods are called directly at the servers. It offers
state-machine replication for objects and strong consistency guarantees. CRESON
contributes and leverages a novel NoSQL storage abstraction, the listenable
key-value store, introduced and implemented in the Infinispan data grid. I will
present evaluation results from a DropBox clone successfully ported from
PostgreSQL/PLProxy to CRESON.
Etienne Rivière is a new academic in EPL/ICTEAM/INGI. Before joining UCL,
Etienne was a lecturer at the university of Neuchâtel (UniNE), Switzerland
where he enjoyed teaching large-scale distributed systems, cloud computing, and
operating systems. His research interest are in the design, implementation and
evaluation of distributed computer systems, and in particular novel Cloud
infrastructures. He is or has been coordinating two EU projects on the topic,
and participated to several others. Etienne obtained his PhD in 2007 from the
University of Rennes and Inria, and his habilitation in 2016 from UniNE. In
2008 and 2009, he was an ERCIM post-doctoral fellow at NTNU, Norway and UniNE.
Besides work, he enjoys cooking and wine, reading comics, riding a bike and
spending time outdoors.