Louvain Global College of Law. Invitation de Francesco Gatta


L’EDEM accueillera Francesco Gatta du 1er octobre au 31 décembre 2017 dans le cadre du Louvain Global College of Law.

Francesco Gatta est chercheur à l’Université de Milan. Il a un double PhD en droit de l’Union européenne (Université de Padoue et Leopold-Franzens- Universität Innsbruck, Austria).

Il travaillera sur le thème suivant: “Legal avenues to access international protection in the European Union”.

The research will focus on the development of legal entry channels to the EU for people in need of international protection as a possible way to tackle the current migratory crisis. The basic idea, indeed, is that the availability of legal and safe ways of access to the EU would contribute to safeguard migrants’ life and safety, reducing irregular migration and tackling the use of dangerous migration avenues and smuggling networks.

In particular, legal tools as resettlement, humanitarian admission schemes and visa on humanitarian grounds will be examined as suitable instruments to guarantee an orderly, sustainable and human rights-based mobility to the EU, and as a contribution to the implementation of the principle of solidarity and fair sharing of responsibilities, which – although expressly prescribed in the EU Law – today remains still insufficiently realised.

Publié le 18 septembre 2017