Le pôle MIRO mène ses recherches dans les domaines suivants:
- Use of molecular imaging for a more accurate tumor definition in patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck
- Integration of functional imaging and tumor motion in adaptive intensity modulated therapy in non-small cell lung cancer
- Correlation model between external breathing signal measured by magnetic sensors and the internal tumor motion in bronchial tumors.
- Clinical research protocols.
- Development of advanced image processing techniques for radiotherapy treatment planning: applications to the delineation of target volumes and organs at risk, to respiratory motion tracking, and to adaptive dosimetry.
- Tools and methods towards the exploitation of a cyclotron-based hadrontherapy facility : “ Win-TPS “
- Advanced applications of Monte Carlo simulation in TomoTherapy and protontherapy
- New methodology of labelling with fluorine-18, application to molecular imaging.
- Development and use of cyclotron solid targets for the production of long half-live positron emitter isotopes.
- Tumor microenvironment and radiation sensitivity
- Dose-volume effect» in radiation therapy : tolerance of the mouse intestine to a partial and/or a non-uniforme irradiation.
- Combination of new chemotherapy drugs with neutron irradiations using the Louvain-la-Neuve cyclotrons.
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