Research Associate (2003- )
M.S. and PhD in Biophysics, from Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia, 1985). The Institute of Chemical Physics, Russian Academy of Science ( Moscow, Russia). Bourse étrangère de l'ARC, University Toulouse III, France.
Professional experience. Scientific projects.
2010 - in progress
Institute for Experimental and Clinical Research (IREC)
Université catholique de Louvain (UCL)
Development of quantitative estimation of NO bioavailability in circulation by measurements of concentrations of α-heme-Fe(II)-NO complex (HbNO) accumulated in human venous erythrocytes by Electron Paramagnetic Resonance spectroscopy (EPR) using a modified EPR subtraction method. Investigation of HbNO formation and stability in isolated erythrocytes.
Study a correlation between circulating HbNO and an index of endothelial function measured by digital tonometry during reactive hyperemia response in cohort of healthy volunteers (RHI), vascular redox state and cardiovascular risk factors.
Clinical validation of developed bioassay in cohorts of healthy volunteers and patients.
2003 - 2009:
Université catholique de Louvain (UCL)
Development of EPR applications for detection of nitric oxide (NO) and superoxide anion in biological systems. Analysis of the balance of reactive oxygen species versus NO bioavailability in endothelial cells, isolated vessels and biological tissue (tumor and intestinal tissues) by the EPR spin trapping.
Study of activation and regulation of eNOS and NADPH oxidase in Angiotensin II signalling and role of caveolin-1 in redox balance.
Skill highlights
Featured publications |
- Lobysheva II, Biller P, Gallez B, Beauloye C, Balligand JL. (2013) Nitrosylated hemoglobin levels in human venous erythrocytes correlate with vascular endothelial function measured by digital reactive hyperemia. PLoS One. 8(10):e76457.
- Lobysheva II, Rath G, Sekkali B, Bouzin C, Feron O, Gallez B, Dessy C, Balligand JL. (2011) Moderate Caveolin-1 Downregulation Prevents NADPH Oxidase-Dependent Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase Uncoupling by Angiotensin II in Endothelial Cells. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 31(9):2098-105.
- Desjardins F., Lobysheva II, Pelat M, Feron O, Dessy C, Balligand JL. (2008) Control of blood pressure variability in caveolin-1-deficient mice: role of NO identified in vivo through spectral analysis. Cardiovasc Res. 79: 527.
- Sonveaux P, Lobysheva II, Feron O and McMahon T. (2007) Transport and peripheral release of “nitric oxide” by red blood cell hemoglobin: role in oxygen delivery. Physiology, 22: 97-112.
- Catry E, Neyrinck AM, Lobysheva I, Pachikian BD, Van Hul M, Cani PD, Dessy C, Delzenne NM. (2016) Nutritional depletion in n-3 PUFA in apoE knock-out mice: a new model of endothelial dysfunction associated with fatty liver disease. Mol Nutr Food Res 60(10):2198-2207.
- Romero M, Leon-Gomez E, Lobysheva I, Rath G, Dogné JM, Feron O, Dessy C. (2016) Effects of BM-573 on Endothelial Dependent Relaxation and Increased Blood Pressure at Early Stages of Atherosclerosis. PLoS One;11(3):e0152579.
- Rouaud F, Romero-Perez M, Wang H, Lobysheva II, Ramassamy B, Henry E, Tauc P, Giacchero D, Boucher JL, Deprez E, Rocchi S, Slama-Schwok A. (2014) Regulation of NADPH-dependent Nitric Oxide and reactive oxygen species signalling in endothelial and melanoma cells by a photoactive NADPH analogue. Oncotarget 5(21):10650-64.
- Ndiaye M, Chataingneau M, Lobysheva II, Chataingneau T, Schini-Kerth VB. (2005) Red wine polyphenol-induced, endothelium-dependent NO-mediated relaxation is due to the redox-sensitive PI3-kinase/Akt-dependent phosphorylation of endothelial NO-synthase in the isolated porcine coronary artery. FASEB J. 19(3): 455-7.
- Sarr M, Lobysheva II, Diallo AS, Stoclet JC, Schini-Kerth VB, Muller B. (2005) Formation of releasable NO stores by S-nitrosoglutathione in arteries exhibiting tolerance to glyceryl-trinitrate. Eur J Pharmacol. 513(1-2):119-23.
- Dessy C, Saliez J, Daneau G, Lobysheva II, Frerart F, Belge C, Janaoui K, Noirhomme P, Feron O, Balligand JL. (2005) Endothelial beta3-adrenoreceptors mediate nitric oxide-dependent vasorelaxation of coronary microvessels in response to the third-generation beta-blocker nebivolol. Circulation 112(8): 1198-205.
- Lamine F, Fioramonti J, Bueno L, Nepveu F, Cauquil E, Lobysheva II, Eutamine H and Theodorou V. (2004) Nitric oxide released by Lactobacillus farciminis improves TNBS-induced colitis in rats. Scand J Gastroenterol. 39(1): 37-45.
- Alencar JL, Lobysheva II, Geffard M, Sarr M, Schott C, Schini-Kerth V, Nepveu F, Stoclet J-C , and Muller B. (2003) Role of S-nitrosation of cysteine residues in long-lasting inhibitory effect of nitric oxide on arterial tone. Molecular Pharmacolog. 63(5): 1148-58.