Emilie André, PhD student


PhD Student (2012- )

- Bachelor's degree in Biology (Université Catholique de Louvain 2007-2010)
- Master's degree in Biology of organisms and Ecology (Université Catholique de Louvain 2010-2012)


Function/Job Description

- Thesis Project: Metabolic control of survival and differentiation of cardiac progenitor cells (Doctoral school : biomedical and pharmaceutical sciences)

- Supervision of practical work in the Faculty of Medecine (histology, cardiac physiology)

- Management of collective facilities of the FATH Pole (primary culture room, clean animal room)

- Part of the organizing committee for the IREC PhdDay (https://www.uclouvain.be/772467.html)


-Cell culture
-Molecular biology
-Western blotting
-Oral presentations