
IL&C Louvain-La-Neuve, Mons






(Dis)Fluency Closing Conference

15-17 February 2017

Call for Papers is now open !





Activités en cours / Current activities


Our Publications
Workshops !

Séminaires & Colloques / Seminars & Workshops

(FR) (EN)

Ci-dessous, les séminaires internes et workshops proposés par l'ARC Fluency-Disfluency (chercheurs de l'ARC  ou conférencier invités). Si vous n'êtes pas membre de l'ARC/UCL mais doit prévenir sa présence à l'un des membres du groupe afin que nous puissions nous organiser en conséquence.

Below, all internal seminars and wo proposed by the ARC Fluency-Disfluency (ARC's researchers or invited keynote speakers). Any member of ARC/UCL is allowed to participate but we ask to inform one of our member of you presence order to organize ourselves accordingly.



 17/12/2015  Lucie Rousier-Vercreuyssen  Thesis Presentation
 Local C.142 (Salle de séminaire du CENTAL)

26/11/2015 Talia Isaacs (Bristol University) Consulting “expert” teachers to develop and validate pronunciation-relevant rating scales in high- and low-stakes settings Local C.142 (Salle de séminaire du CENTAL)  

There has been a rich tradition of drawing on “expert” teacher-raters’ perceptions in developing and validating rating scale descriptors. The CEFR is just one example of the centrality of teachers’ judgments to the scale development process. However there are challenges to drawing on teachers’ judgments to inform the development of pronunciation-relevant scales in particular. For example, in the case of the CEFR global scale, pronunciation descriptors were substantively problematic for teacher participants and their scalar judgments were too statistically erratic to scale along with other linguistic features. This presentation will investigate the nature of these challenges, drawing on teachers’ verbatim quotes from classroom observations and focus groups, in addition to exploring how crosslinguistic influence compounds the difficulty of modelling pronunciation in relation to other skills, even when the scale is targeting only one target language. A recent mixed methods study on validating the IELTS pronunciation scale will showcase the alignment of raters’ perceptions with their rating behaviour, pinpointing ways of improving pronunciation-relevant descriptors in the IELTS specifically and in other proficiency scales more generally.

Isaacs, T. (in press). Assessing speaking. In D. Tsagari & J. Banerjee (Eds.), Handbook of second language assessment. Berlin: DeGruyter Mouton.
Isaacs, T., Trofimovich, P., Yu, G., & Chereau, B. M. (2015). Examining the linguistic aspects of speech that most efficiently discriminate between upper levels of the
revised IELTS pronunciation scale. IELTS research reports online series, 4. Retrieved from







This website is bilingual: the pages on the left pannel are available both in French and in English.


Workshop on Fluency & Disfluency (3rd edition).



The research group (ARC) "A Multi-Modal Approach to Fluency and Disfluency Markers" (granted by the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles - grant nr. 12/17-044) is pleased to welcome Gunnel Tottie (UZH- University of Zurich), Bertille Pallaud & Roxanne Bertrand(LPL - University Aix-en-Provence Marseille) for the third edition of its workshop on fluency and disfluency markers in French, English and Sign Language of Francophone Belgium this February 26 & 27, 2015.

Program (pdf)



Go to even page (on-line detailed program)


New - Annotation of fluency and disfluency markers !


The ARC PhD students are pleased to announce the release of our Annotation Protocol for the description of local structures of (dis)fluency in multimodal and multilingual corpora. The guidelines provided in this document are the results of several phases of discussion and revision, and have been tested to authentic corpus data for better operationalization. Although it is thought to be self-sufficient, feel free to contact us for further information on the protocol. To quote this document, please use the following reference:

Crible, L., Dumont, A., Grosman, I., Notarrigo, I. 2015. Annotation des marqueurs de fluence et disfluence dans des corpus multilingues et multimodaux, natifs et non natifs. Version 1.0. Working Paper. Université catolique de Louvain et Université de Namur.

Click here or on the image to access PDF





Back to School!

The ARC Fluency & Disfluency had its first meeting for the year 2014-2015. On the agenda, organizing the 3rd Workshop on Fluency & Disfluency. More news coming soon...

C'est la rentrée ! L'ARC Fluence et Disfluence a tenue sa première réunion de l'année 2014-2015. Au programme, organiser le 3ème Workshop sur la Fluence et Disfluence. Plus d'informations très prochainement...







Every year, the ARC Fluency & Disfluency organizes a Workshop. These days are an opportunity to share the research group development with external researchers in the field. More content on the workshops here (program and powerpoints of the presentations).

Chaque année, l'ARC Fluence & Disfluence organise une journée de workshop. Ces journées sont une opportunité de partager les développements du groupe de recherche avec des chercheurs externes spécialistes du domaine. Plus d'informations sur le contenu de ces workshops est disponible ici (programme et powerpoints des présentations).

  • 3rd Workshop 2015 Fluency & Disfluency Workshop 2016- Invited Keyynote Speakers :: Gunnel Tottie (UZH - University of Zurich), Bertille Pallaud & Roxanne Bertrand (LPL - University Aix-en-Provence-Marseille
  • 2nd ARC Fluency & Disfluency Workshop 2014 - Invited keynote speakers : Heather Hilton (Paris 8) Ioana Vascilescu (Limsi)
  • 1st ARC Fluency & Disfluency Workshop 2013 - Invited keynot speakers : Sandra Götz






Recent Publications (Publications récentes)

For a detailed review of all our publications, please follow this link. Here is a brief view of our most recent work :

Pour un revue détaillée de toutes nos publications, suivez le lien suivant. Ci-dessous un bref aperçu de nos travaux les plus récents :


Crible, L. 2014. Reaching cross-linguistic comparability across eight speech situations : a challenge for corpus design. Paper presented at the 7th Biennial IVACS Conference, June 19-21 2014, Newcastle, UK.

Crible L. 2014. Selection and functional description of DMs in French and English : towards crosslinguistic and operational categories for contrastive annotation. Paper presented at the International workshop « Pragmatic markers, discourse markers and modal particles : what do we know and where do we go from here ? », October 16-17 2014, Como, Italy.

Grosman, I. 2014. Dynamics of disfluencies within Basic Discourse Units. Nouveaux Cahiers de Linguistique Française 31, 45-50.

Crible, L., Dumont, D., Grosman, I. 2014. Corpus, outils, méthodes, TAL : Présentation des recherches en cours”. Communication at the 1st Scientific meeting of the Linguistic Pôle of Louvain (PLIN), 5th May 2014, Université catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium)
