Teaching team


  • Charlotte BANDE (curriculum vitae)
    Senior Sustainabililty Quantis International.

  • MICHEL BANDE (curriculum vitae )
    Senior Executive Vice President Sustainable Development, Solvay Group.

  • JAN BOCKEN (curriculum vitae )
    Lawyer, partner at Eubelius. Teaching assistant at the European Law Institute of the University of Ghent. Honorary Consul General for the Netherlands.


  • LAURENT CLAASSEN (curriculum vitae )
    Partner Deloitte Forensic, Compliance and Analytics, regulatory risk and compliance specialist.

  • YVES DE RONGÉ (curriculum vitae)
    Professor at the Louvain School of Management (UCL).

  • MARTIM DELLA VALLE (curriculum vitae )
    Vice President, Global head of Compliance Anheuser-Busch Inbev

  • CARLOS DESMET (curriculum vitae )
    MBA, Visiting Professor (UCL), Ethics and Compliance advisor, previously Ethics and Compliance Officer at Shell International.

  • MICHAËL FERNANDEZ-BERTIER (curriculum vitae )
    Lawyer at Brussels and New York Bars, Lecturer at SBS, Researcher and member of CRIDES and CRID&P at UCL

  • JEAN MARC GOLLIER (curriculum vitae )
    Lawyer and senior counsel since 2009 at Eubelius. He is visiting lecturer at UCL and a member of CRIDES (Centre for Company law at UCL).

  • AXEL GOSSERIES (curriculum vitae)
    Permanent Research Fellow (FRS-FNRS), Extraordinary professor (UCL), Responsible for the « Social Responsibility in Economic Life » Bernheim Project.

  • CHRISTOPHE GREVEN (curriculum vitae )
    Vice President Legal Affairs Otis EMEA.

  • FRANCOIS KONING (curriculum vitae )
    Lawyer and partner at the law firm Janson Baugniet. Belgian Expert criminal law at the CCBE.

  • PHILIPPE LAMBRECHT (curriculum vitae )
    Professor (UCL), Secrétaire Général FEB/VBO.

  • FRANCOIS MAON (curriculum vitae )
    Professor in Strategy and CSR.

  • JAN NOTERDAEME (curriculum vitae )
    co-founder and Senior Advisor for CSR Europe. Representative of CSR Europe in the Coordination Committee of the European Multistakeholder Forum on CSR.

  • BENOIT OTJACQUES (curriculum vitae )
    Head of e-Science Unit, LIST, Luxembourg.

  • JACQUES SPELKENS (curriculum vitae )
    Head of CSR Benelux – Communications and CSR Department - Group ENGIE Benelux.

  • VALÉRIE SWAEN (curriculum vitae )
    Academic director of the programme; Professor of Marketing and Corporate Social Responsibility at UCL and at IESEG School of Management (France).

  • DAVID SZAFTRAN (curriculum vitae )

  • ANNELEEN VAN DE MEULEBROUCKE (curriculum vitae )
    Lawyer, Attorney at Eubelius. Teaching assistant KU Leuven. Certified data protection officer.

  • FREDERIK VERHASSELT (curriculum vitae )
    Partner Ernst & Young, Fraud, Investigation services, previously Corporate Security Officer at Umicore.

  • FRANÇOIS VINCKE (curriculum vitae )
    Brussels Bar, Head Anti-Corruption Commission, International Chamber of Commerce, Paris.

  • Lutz VON PETER (curriculum vitae)
    Head of Compliance Roche Diagnostics Belgium et en téléchargeant son CV