Practical information



The program will be held in Brussels from November 2017 to May 2018.
Courses are held over 4 sessions of 3 days (Thursday, Friday and Saturday).




Day 1
November 23, 2017

Registration and welcome

1 h

Introduction to humanitarian medicine

1 h

Introduction to humanitarian surgery

1 h

War surgery (part 1)

5 h

Day 2
November 24, 2017

War surgery (part 2)

4 h

Resuscitation and anaesthesia

4 h

Day 3
November 25, 2017

Head, neck, and spine surgery

4 h

Plastic surgery

4 h

Day 4
January 25, 2018

Thoracic surgery

4 h

Vascular surgery

4 h

Day 5
January 26, 2018

Abdominal surgery


8 h

Day 6
January 27, 2018

Urologic surgery

4 h

Tabletop exercise in war surgery

3 h

Day 7
March 22, 2018



8 h

Day 8
March 23, 2018

Pediatric surgery

8 h

Day 9
March 24, 2018

Orthopaedic trauma

8 h

Day 10
May 24, 2018

Logistics, pharmaceutics and specific questions

6 h

Practical exercise of triage on mass casualty

2 h

Day 11
May 25, 2018

Hands-on lab

8 h

Day 12
May 26, 2018


5 h




The tuition fees amount to:

  • 1250 euros for surgeons
  • 850 euros for surgical assistants (from 4th year).  A maximum of 15 assistants will be accepted per course.
  • A number of registrations are reserved for MSF personnel.

The tuition fees cover the registration at UCL, the university coordinating the program, access to the classes and infrastructure, coffee breaks, midday meals and course materials. 

It is possible to only take certain modules as an observer.  This status enables you to take certain course modules but gives limited access to the practical exercises and does not allow you to sit the evaluation test.

The number of spaces as observer is limited to 10 per course module.  In order to register as an observer please complete the adhoc form.    Persons who come to observe the course, shall be asked to pay a contribution towards the tuition fees of €50 per half-day of the course.   Midday meals are not included in these tuition fees.


The participants will have a Doctoral degree in medicine or a Master’s degree in medicine as well as a Master's degree with specialisation in surgery.   Individuals taking a Master’s degree with specialisation in surgery may qualify for the certificate from the 4th year of studies.

Candidates who do not meet the above admission criteria but who would like to take the course may apply for admission as an observer.

A knowledge of English is mandatory.


Participants who have actively taken part in the whole program and passed the required evaluations will be issued an “Interuniversity certificate in Humanitarian surgery in austere environments”, worth 10 ECTS credits (European Credit Transfer System). This certificate is in itself a valuable addition to the participant’s academic records.

Furthermore, the associated credits, if validated by the examination board of a subsequent academic program elsewhere in Europe, can be applied in that program. Participation in all sessions, without passing the evaluations, will result in the issuance of a certificate of attendance.


Registration for the certificate

Candidates are invited to complete the admission form and to send the letter of motivation to the address: 
Registrations are open until 1 October 2017.  

The candidates shall be selected on the basis of their admission documentation and their motivation letter.   The Academic Professors shall decide on all the applications and the participants shall be informed by 7 October 2017.  The number of participants is limited to 30 to guarantee the program’s quality. The group of participants may comprise a maximum of 15 assistants. 

Some places are also reserved for MSF personnel. The organizers reserve the right to cancel or postpone the certificate, should the number of participants be insufficient.

Request for observer status

Individuals who do not fulfil the admission conditions and would like to attend only some modules of the course may apply for observer status by sending an email at   These applications shall be examined in the order in which they are received.   These places are limited to 10 by the academic organisers.   In order to guarantee the educational quality of certain courses, it could well be that this number is further restricted for certain modules. 


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