To access studies in the field of engineering sciences, civil engineering engineer architect, an entrance exam is mandatory. Thank you to visit the corresponding faculty
Access to Medecine and/or Dentistry Studies depends is determined by an entrance exam. The related information is available on the ARES website (Académie de Recherche et d'Enseignement Supérieur).
For more information on the specificity of the quotas, you can consult the following page
Students wishing to enroll in a bachelor's degree in veterinary medicine must pass an orientation test. The related information is available on the ARES website (Académie de Rercherche et d'Enseignement Supérieur). Students enrolled in the 1st year of the bachelor's degree in veterinary medicine must submit at the end of the year to a competition at the end of which some of them will be able to obtain, according to a defined quota, a certificate authorizing them to continue their studies . This certificate will be required at the time of administrative registration with the Registrar's Office of the UCL following the cycle.
Residency criterion
Each academic year, enrollment of non-resident students who register for the first time in the French Community in certain courses of the first cycle is limited to 30% of the total number of students (residents and non-residents) enrolled the previous year. Please choose one of the following situations to determine your residency status.
Press the arrows to choose your situation
You are Belgian and live in Belgium
In this situation, you need to download the following documents when registering online:
Your "Resident" file (to download here ) duly completed and signed
A two-sided copy of your Belgian identity card,
Certificate of Residence ("Certificat de résidence") [1] dated no earlier than May 1, 2018.
To obtain your "certificat de résidence", you can:
Either download it through the national registry access application through an ID card reader
Either go to your municipal administration to obtain this document.
[1] Depending on your local administration, the "certificat de residence" may also be called certificat d’inscription or certificat de domicile .
You are a citizen of the European Union and you have been living in Belgium for at least 5 years
In this situation, you need to download the following documents when registering online:
Your "Resident" file (to download here ) duly completed and signed
A two-sided copy of your E+ identity card,
Certificate of Residence ("Certificat de résidence") [1] dated no earlier than May 1, 2018.
To obtain your "certificat de résidence", you can:
Either download it through the national registry access application through an ID card reader
Either go to your municipal administration to obtain this document.
[1] Depending on your local administration, the "certificat de residence" may also be called certificat d’inscription or certificat de domicile .
You are not a EU national and you have been living in Belgium for at least 5 years
In this situation, you need to download the following documents when registering online:
Your "Resident" file (to download here ) duly completed and signed
A two-sided copy of either:
Your F+ card,
Your residence permit "C. Foreigner's identity card ",
Your your Residence Title «B. Certificate of registration on the Immigration Office register."
Certificate of Residence ("Certificat de résidence") with an history dated no earlier than May 1, 2018.
To obtain your "certificat de résidence", with an history, you can:
Either download it through the national registry access application through an ID card reader
Either go to your municipal administration to obtain this document.
[1] Depending on your local administration, the "certificat de residence" may also be called certificat d’inscription or certificat de domicile .
You have a diplomatic / consular / special identity card and live in Belgium
In this situation, you need to download the following documents when registering online:
Your "Resident" file (to download here ) duly completed and signed
A two-sided copy of your diplomatic / consular / special identity card
One of the following documents proving your residence in Belgium:
Either a Certificate of Residence ("Certificat de résidence") [1] dated no earlier than May 1, 2018.
Either a certificate of residence dated at the earliest on May 1, 2018 issued by the Protocol, the Embassy or the Consulate
Either a certificate of household composition dated at the earliest of May 1, 2018 issued by the Protocol, the Embassy or the Consulate.
You are recognized as a refugee by Belgium
In this situation, you need to download the following documents when registering online:
Your "Resident" file (to download here ) duly completed and signed
One of these documents attesting your status as a refugee:
Either a copy of the Certificate of the General Commission for Refugees and Stateless Persons (CGRA),
A two-sided copy of your residence permit:
Either, the"B. Certificate of Registration in the Register of Immigration "if the residence permit was issued before July 2016,
Either de A. Certificate of Registration in the Register of Immigration - Temporary Stay "if the refugee status has been recognized to you since or after July 2016.
Certificate of Residence ("Certificat de résidence") with an history dated no earlier than May 1, 2018.
To obtain your "certificat de résidence", with an history, you can:
Either download it through the national registry access application through an ID card reader
Either go to your municipal administration to obtain this document.
You have applied for asylum in Belgium
In this situation, you need to download the following documents when registering online:
Your "Resident" file (to download here ) duly completed and signed
A front and back copy of your registration certificate - Model A,
A copy of your Appendix 26,
Certificate of Residence ("Certificat de résidence") with an history dated no earlier than May 1, 2018.
To obtain your "certificat de résidence", with an history, you can:
Either download it through the national registry access application through an ID card reader
Either go to your municipal administration to obtain this document.
You benefit from subsidiary protection
In this situation, you need to download the following documents when registering online:
Your "Resident" file (to download here ) duly completed and signed
A two-sided copy of your residence permit titled «A. Certificate of Registration in the Register of Immigration - Temporary Stay »,
a copy of the decision made by the General Commission for Refugees and Stateless Persons (CGRA),
Certificate of Residence ("Certificat de résidence") dated no earlier than May 1, 2018.
To obtain your "certificat de résidence", with an history, you can:
Either download it through the national registry access application through an ID card reader
Either go to your municipal administration to obtain this document.
You benefit from Temporary Protection
In this situation, you need to download the following documents when registering online:
Your "Resident" file (to download here ) duly completed and signed
A two-sided copy of your residence permit
proof that you have temporary protection,,
Certificate of Residence ("Certificat de résidence") dated no earlier than May 1, 2018.
To obtain your "certificat de résidence" you can:
Either download it through the national registry access application through an ID card reader
Either go to your municipal administration to obtain this document.
Your father, mother, legal guardian or legal cohabitant is one of the categories previously listed
Financial support does not constitute an act of guardianship.
In this situation, you need to download the following documents when registering online:
Your "Resident" file (to download here ) duly completed and signed
Certificate of Residence ("Certificat de résidence") dated no earlier than May 1, 2018.
To obtain your "certificat de résidence" you can:
Either download it through the national registry access application through an ID card reader
Either go to your municipal administration to obtain this document.
One of the following proofs of the link with your father, mother, legal guardian or legal cohabitant:
Either a household composition dated no earlier than May 1, 2018
Either a birth certificate,
Either an act / judgment of guardianship valid in the Belgian legal order,
Either an act of legal cohabitation valid in the Belgian legal order.
Documents proving that your father, mother, legal guardian or legal cohabitant belongs to one of the following categories:
This person is Belgian and lives in Belgium
This person is a citizen of the European Union and has been living in Belgium for at least 5 years
This person is not a EU citizen and has been living in Belgium for at least 5 years
This person has a diplomatic / consular / special identity card and lives in Belgium
This person has applied for asylum in Belgium
This person benefits from Subsidiary Protection
This person benefits from Temporary Protection
You live in Belgium and have a professional income or replacement, for at least 15 months
This category excludes student contracts, waiting periods ("stage d'attente") or any social income (other than RIS) granted by a CPAS, etc.
In this situation, you need to download the following documents when registering online:
Your "Resident" file (to download here ) duly completed and signed
A certificate of residence with history dated no earlier than May 1, 2018 delivered by your local administration.
Evidence of uninterrupted income over the past 15 months:
If you have a salaried professional activity:
Employment contract or certificate of employment including the business number (if applicable),
Salary sheets
If you have an self-employed activity:
Proof of payment of social security contributions issued by the Social Insurance Fund ("Caisse d'assurance sociale").
If you receive a social allowance revenue:
Either a certificate of unemployment benefit,
Either a benefit certificate from your Health Insurance Company,
Either a certificate of perception of the Social Integration Income (CPAS),
Your father, mother, legal guardian or cohabitant has a professional income or social allowance revenue, from at least 6 months
This category excludes student contracts, waiting periods ("stage d'attente") or any social income (other than RIS) granted by a CPAS, etc.
In this situation, you need to download the following documents when registering online:
Your "Resident" file (to download here ) duly completed and signed
A certificate of residence with history dated no earlier than May 1, 2018 delivered by your local administration.
One of the following proofs of the link with your father, mother, legal guardian or legal cohabitant:
Either a household composition dated no earlier than May 1, 2018
Either a birth certificate,
Either an act / judgment of guardianship valid in the Belgian legal order,
Either an act of legal cohabitation valid in the Belgian legal order.
Your father's, mother's, legal guardian's or legal cohabitant's certificate of residence with history dated no earlier than May 1, 2018 delivered by your local administration.
For this person above, evidence of uninterrupted income over the past 6 months:
If he/she have an self-employed activity::
Employment contract or certificate of employment including the business number (if applicable),
Salary sheets
If you have an self-employed activity:
Proof of payment of social security contributions issued by the Social Insurance Fund ("Caisse d'assurance sociale").
If you receive a social allowance revenue:
Either a certificate of unemployment benefit,
Either a benefit certificate from your Health Insurance Company,
Either a certificate of perception of the Social Integration Income (CPAS),
You have been living in Belgium for at least 3 years
This category does not apply to Belgian citizen.
In this situation, you need to download the following documents when registering online:
Your "Resident" file (to download here ) duly completed and signed
A two-sided copy of your identify card
A certificate of residence dated no earlier than May 1, 2018 delivered by your local administration.
You are a scholarship beneficiary within development cooperation framework.
The other organizations are not concerned by this category (EU, WBI, AUF, Government). This category also does not concern study grants issued by the Directorate for Loans and Scholarships (DAPE) of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation.
In this situation, you need to download the following documents when registering online:
Your "Resident" file (to download here ) duly completed and signed
A certificate of residence dated no earlier than May 1, 2018 delivered by your local administration.
The official scholarship certificate valid for the academic year 2018-2019 issued by one of the following organizations: ARES-CDD, VLIR-UOS, CTB, NGO recognized by ACODEV, APEFE / VVOB.
None of these situations correspond to mine (Non-resident)
Enrolment documents deposit
The complete "Residency" file will be sent by post to "Service des inscriptions de Louvain-la-Neuve Halles universitaires", Place de l'Université 1, L0.01.10- B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve.
Enrolment documents deposit
The complete "Non-resident" file will be sent by post to "Service des inscriptions de Louvain-la-Neuve Halles universitaires", Place de l'Université 1, L0.01.10- B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve only one of the next three days: - Monday 21/08/2017 from 9h to 16h - Tuesday 22/08/2017 from 9h to 16h - Wednesday 23/08/2017 from 9h to 16h. The file must be submitted by the student personally. No proxy will be accepted. No file can be sent by mail. The decree provides the exclusion of non-resident students who file more than one application for registration in all the sectors subject to a draw, in all establishments in the French Community. Access to these studies organized in "Haute Ecole" (eg:College) is subject to this decree, so it is forbidden to file a file in the "Haute Ecole" AND a file at the University. Important note: the order of deposit of the files has no impact on the draw.
The draw
If the university receives more applications than the total number of registrations received the year before (residents and non-residents), it will proceed to a draw of registrations to determine which applications for registration will be retained. The results of the draw will be published on the website of each university
Annexe 1 : Decree of 16 June 2006 regulating the number of students in certain undergraduate courses in higher education as amended by the Decree of 12 July 2012.
The decree of 4 July 2013 amends this decree by submitting the short courses of study in speech therapy and audiology to the same restriction.
Annexe 2 : "Resident" application form (see above)
Annexe 3 : "Non-Resident" application form (see above)
Annexe 4 : Attestation of professional activities or replacement income
Annexe 5 : Procedure to be followed for admission beyond the first 60 credits of the 1st cycle for students covered by the decree of 16 June 2006
Annexe 5 bis : Application form for admission beyond the first 60 credits of the first cycle for students covered by the decree of June 16, 2006